A rude homecoming
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 09:12:56 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The night is dark and hot. Nuyok, you have returned from a late night stroll up by the Shambles. You hate these little errands Master Bane sends you on sometimes. The Judge has an eye for female flesh, and is easily turned by flattering attention.
His latest little pet is Danzy, a sweet-faced tanner?s daughter up near the Shambles. Sometimes your master seems a fool. He knows the embarrassment that would arise if the privileged and influential members of society found out about his little trysts with the common rabble. Though he has taught you much of what you know, it is nights like this that make you think that you could teach him a thing or two about self-control.
For one thing, if that little trollop you delivered the love note to was an innocent Tanner?s daughter; you?re a three-eyed riven. Many was the time in your youth when you saw her type down by the fishdocks, plying her trade to dull brutes who hadn?t the wit to keep their coin. But there?s no arguing with Bane once his appetites are whetted. At least you are not a slave to passion. Admittedly, you have never caught much attention from the fairer sex, but still... He should have the sense Deus gave a Deezel.
Now it is well past midnight and you are again on the East Side, walking well-lit avenues hung with lumina lanterns. The multicolored mosaics that pave the streets of the Merchant?s Quarter have replaced the rough cobbles of the Shambles.
As you walk the great tree-lined Broadway, past the high-walled estates of Tallon?s richest, your street-sharpened eyes pick out an unusual number of constables out in the humid air. Adopting an inconspicuous air, you easily avoid any notice, returning with word of rendezvous.
The gate opens to your keyword, swinging silently on animated hinges. The court beyond is quiet, save for the fountain which catches the light of the colored lanterns. Despite his fondness for young women of little resistance, Bane lives simply, eschewing household servants in favor of simple golems.
Opening the front door in the same manner as the gate, you suddenly freeze. You cannot immediately tell from where, but there is danger here. Someone intends you harm.
Please make a Perception Roll with your spirit sight. If you fail, describe your next immediate actions. Also, could you list what you would likely be carrying on your person at such a time of night and on such a mission. Further, list the default manner in which your multipower slots are distributed.
Late night in Tallon
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:00:58 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
[Ugh, didn't see a dice mechanism, so went to go get them (just back from running Lankhmar FH), roll a 5, then go to post, and see there is a dice generator, so here goes a try at using it.]

4, 1, 6 (STUN: 11, BODY: 3) Sat September 14, 2002 @12:09 AM (CDT)
5, 5, 3 (STUN: 13, BODY: 3) Sat September 14, 2002 @12:00 AM (CDT)

The generated roll was a 13, which is my perception roll exactly, and Spirit Sense roll.

As for my slot setup, 50pt MP:
If I can use either 20 or 40AP of the Spirit Sense (rather than 40AP as an ultra, seems you might have relaxed that a bit for Spirit Sense), then I'd have the following setup:
20AP Spirit Sense, 13-
15AP Detect Hostile Intent, 11-
15AP Detect Traps, 11-

If when using Spirit Sense, I'd have to use the full 40AP slot, then I'd have the following setup:
15AP Detect Hostile Intent, 11-
30AP Find Weakness, 11-

Typical equipment arrangements:
By day or night in the good side of town, or by day in the bad side:
Dagger, typical clothing (tunic, trousers) and boots (cloak at night in addition)
By night in the bad side:
Broadsword, Dagger, typical clothing, boots, and cloak
If expecting something:
Same as by night in the bad side, plus my other two daggers

[EDITED on Sat September 14, 2002 @12:09 AM (CDT)]
Late Night in Tallon II
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:19:18 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
[Note my roll was a 13, not 11, apparently when I edited to add in my discussion of the roll, the dice rolled a second time since the code was still there.]

In the event my roll failed (either if there was a penalty that applied, or if I'm using the alternative setup if the rule requires 40AP for spirit sense so I would be without spirit sense so I don't get a roll), I would like to slip just inside the door and to the side, hiding in the shadows, so as to not to create a silhouette in the moonlighted doorway. Once inside, I'd like to leave the door opened in case I need to leave quickly, and to draw either my sword or dagger, whichever is more appropriate given the size of the rooms. Then I'd want to remain motionless (shift to spirit sense if need be), and wait to see if I perceive anything, spiritually or naturally. If my roll made it though, I'll see what I "see" to respond to.
Danger coming!
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:47:01 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The danger comes from beyond the gate. Normally, your spirit sight cannot penetrate anthing with even the slightest hint of spirit alteration. However the gate behind you is swinging open and you can sense a number of minds who intend you immediate harm. The gate codeword is supposedly secret, known only to the household, close friends and certain members of the constabulary.

Had you made your PER roll by more, you would receive more detailed information on the impending attackers

You have it right that Spirit Sight is relaxed on the ultra rule
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:58:19 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Well, since I know the danger is behind me, I definitely wish to slip into the house, into the shadows but to close the door. Also, presuming I can use spirit sense to locate Master Bane, I try to see where he is at. While doing so, I'd like to peer out and try to make out who is coming through the gate. Also, draw appropriate weapon for inside, if time permits. Any idea how many minds/people? Appear to be part of the unusually large number of constabulary? Am I spotted? (Would I know it if I were spotted by spirit sense?) (What does it mean for something to have spirit alteration and therefore unpenetrable by my spirit sense?)
Answering questions
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 11:15:47 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Anything that has been animated, had its morphia enhanced, etc. is impenetrable by spirit sight. It is the default substance the sense cannot detect through. Thus, the gate which was animated, is opaque to your sense, this includes the Danger Senses, Anticipate movements, etc. They are all based off of the Spirit Sense.
You would only know if you were spotted by spirit sense if it set off one of your danger senses.

Much of an adepts house is animated or strengthened or somehow made better by enhancements. Thus the more powerful the adept, the more likely that their house will contain enough background stuff to confuse the sight. We wil assume that Bane is at least a psychist (he is a judge) and probably a morphist as well (since you learned it from him.)

For your next action, you are faster than most humans, due to your enhancements. There are four half phase actions you wish to perform. What order do you want to do them?:

PER rolls
1. Find Bane
2. Check out followers

1. Dip inside
2. Draw weapons

when you list the order, go ahead an include a die roll for each PER roll.

[EDITED on Fri September 13, 2002 @11:16 PM (PDT)]
Order of actions
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 11:29:07 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Order of actions:

Dip inside (closing door behind unless there's no window to look out), stealth roll if necessary:
4, 2, 4 (STUN: 10, BODY: 3) Sat September 14, 2002 @1:29 AM (CDT)
Check out followers (through window, or crack in door), PER roll:
3, 4, 2 (STUN: 9, BODY: 3) Sat September 14, 2002 @1:29 AM (CDT)
If time:
Check for Bane, PER roll:
5, 5, 6 (STUN: 16, BODY: 4) Sat September 14, 2002 @1:29 AM (CDT)
Draw weapon (sword or dagger, depending on tightness of quarters)

[Does personal enhancements by enhance anima also affect spirit sense, or just animated items?]
Reacting fast
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 13, 2002 11:57:49 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
You dip ino the house and slam the door. The front door is not animated ( a bit of economy on Bane's part). Hastily throwing open a sliding door at face level (like in a speakeasy, but with a grill), you look back to see a group of four constables running up the path. They have weapons drawn and you can feel murderous intent coming from them. They don't seem to be the type to chat. The leader bears a decent sword and breastplate. The others are in the typical leather half-torso armor (like the latest Aquaman costume, but leather) and bear fairly ordinary (but sharp!) swords. As you are looking, the leader hurls his shoulder against the door.
Move Thru 5d6 against Exterior Door (DEF4 Bod 3)
3, 5, 1, 3, 3 (STUN: 15, BODY: 4) Fri September 13, 2002 @11:57 PM (PDT)
Still safe
By: TheGM
Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:02:23 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The door shudders, bu looks as strong as ever. You know that four city constables will make short work of it. Your time is limited. Hastily glancing about the room, you are too pumped to see clearly. Beyond some overturned furniture, you don't see anything unusual.
Realizing that if you don't find a way out of danger quickly, you will be fighting for your very existence, the cold steel of your sword and dagger whip from their sheathes.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:07:38 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Having no desire to face off against these 4, and they clearly are not looking to talk, I'll quickly retreat further into the mansion, first toward Master Bane's quarters, and trying to perceive him as I go (feel free to roll for me for this when relevant). Other than the main gate and presumably over the walls, are there other gates/tunnels, etc. to escape the compound? If the opportunity presents itself, I'd like to scoop up my other two daggers (if my room is on the way to Bane's), but not if it'll be a significant delay. Any reason I'd know of that Master Bane would draw the costabulary to his domain (either through acts taken, or requests by him)? (Does my sense of their murderous intent sense that they have this intent in general, or specifically directed toward me or someone else?)
Critical Perception
By: TheGM
Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:37:00 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
First time I roll on the dice roller and I roll a perfect three. I thought it was broken. Fortunately for you, this was your PER roll.

Turning with fluid grace, you nimbly avoid an overturned Ottoman, its rich brocade pattern of water bearers made somehow obscene by the spattering of blood across the saffron upholstery. Though there is no time to light a lamp, you can see in vivid detail, the body of Master Bane. It lies near the small wall-mounted carved cherrywood bookcase where he presumably fell. A few books lie spilled and you can see their titles. His law books (such law that is actually recorded., mostly case histories). A pool of half-dried blood soaks the vaguely geometric carpet upon which he lies. His expression is one of pain and suprise, frozen on his face for eternity. A number of wounds cover his body. They are all stabbing wounds, made by a small blade, either a short sword or a dagger. There are five of them, including two in his back. There is no sign of a weapon, either in him or about the area. He was dressed in a silk robe, his custom when entertaining late night guests. A footprint is clearly visible in the blood, and with sick clarity, you recognize the sol pattern as matching the house slippers you wear upon occasion.
Outside, your spirit sense cleary detects the guards (whose intent is directed towards you) retreating to the small fountain in the courtyard, presumeably to dismantle for a battering ram. You know the top piece only sits there, so you have but seconds. (whew! critical perceptions are involved!)

Master Bane is a judge, and therefore has many enemies. You know he is a Novyist (That is he favors mistress Novya in the eventual Archon succession), but so are nearly half the people in Tallon. Beyond that, he is not much liked by the precint he serves. His air has always been detached and condescending, which grates on everyones nerves. But he was relatively fair as judges go.

BTW, the lead constable is Captain Hans, a man long in the service of the Judge (i.e. a constable of the precint). He has no history of betrayal or dissatisfaction. You did not recognize the other three.

The court wall has only one door, but there is a small portal in back used for deliveries and pickups of food and laundry. It's small but you might fit.
Alternately, you know that if you took a flying jump from the roof, you might land safley in the ornamental duck pond in the compound directly adjacent.
The delivery door is closer; the roof route will take you by your room and belongings.

Neither way is certain.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2002 09:20:30 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
[i]I always knew Nuyok was perceptive ; ) [/i]

Even though hardened from his past, Nuyok still is a bit shocked at the sight of Bane's lifeless body (I assume my critical perception roll made it quite clear he was dead / beyond any ability to save, if so, then I do the following, if not, I would try to help him). To myself, I pay my respects to Bane, regardless of his idiosyncracies, he helped me greatly, and think to myself, those who did this will pay. Concerned about the print (both for its existence and the suggestion that it may be a setup), I'll want to smear it unrecognizably with something handy (not something from Bane though, and not something I'll continue to be carrying!)

From there, with one last look at Bane, I head toward my room to gather my belongings (daggers, basic equipment) and try think if there is anywhere there might be a few extra coins lying about, I'll need some money to lay low for a while and try to figure out what's going on. Since I'm heading this route, I'm thinking the rooftop escape to the neighboring compound will be the best way to go, trying to avoid detection by those on the ground and by and spirit sense in the neighboring compound (i.e., keeping distance from the main building).

In case you need some rolls:
2, 5, 3 (STUN: 10, BODY: 3) Sat September 14, 2002 @12:20 PM (EDT)
1, 3, 2 (STUN: 6, BODY: 2) Sat September 14, 2002 @12:20 PM (EDT)
5, 5, 6 (STUN: 16, BODY: 4) Sat September 14, 2002 @12:20 PM (EDT)
By: TheGM
Posted: Saturday, September 14, 2002 02:27:49 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The overturned ottoman is the handiest item to smear the print. It does a reasonable job of smearing, but does not totally obscure it. Bane must have been dead for at least half an hour and the blood has soaked into the carpet.
It takes a moment for you to say a quick prayer, during which you can sense the guards rushing the fountainhead towards the door. You realize with a pang that you cannot wait another second and bolt to the wrought iron staircase to the bedchamber floor. Taking the steps four at a time you rush upwards and fly down the hall to your room.

Reaching for the strong box under your bed, you immediately sense (roll#1), that the lock has been picked and one of your daggers is missing. All other items are there, including a small cache of ten gold eagles and about thirty silver dollars. You know that Bane has other cash about the house,but it would take too long to get to his study and open the safe. Mostly these would be letters of credit anyway, and of little use to you. As you sweep up the bag (which is enhanced so that spirit-sighted persons cannot count your coins), you hear a crash from below, followed by the call of "Murder! Murder! Halt in the name of the Word and the Way!"
You know then with certainty this is a set-up. They are too quick to break down the door of a judge, discover the body and jump to a conclusion of murder. Even your icy composure cracks a bit at this. Whoever would murder a judge is a very powerful person. They must think themselves untouchable or have gone to great pains to cover their tracks. This was planned in high circles. If caught, you are screwed.

Mounting to the roof is done quickly, with the sound of a search on the lower floor. easing down the steeply pitched tile roof, you see a dizzying gap between you and the wall, even further to the pond beyond. can you make such a leap? The alternative is prison or death. backing up the roof for a speed assist, you take three great strides and leap out into the darkness, the reflection of the lamps on the surface of the pond your only target.
(Dex Roll, Roll #2) - Successful
Unfortunately, your attempt to do so undetected is spoiled not only by the loud splash when you hit, but the fact that you disturb about half a dozen sleeping geese, who begin honking madly. As you squish out of the water and make for the trellised wall, you are pretty sure you see lights come on in the house.

This would be the modern equivalent of being an aid to a highly placed government official in a country with poorly enforced laws and a corrupt police force. You are in serious danger of being railroaded
Escape II
By: Nuyok
Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2002 09:42:09 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Damn, Nuyok thinks, one of my daggers gone, that seals it, someone powerful must've wanted the Judge slain, and it was too convenient to use me. The trial that I was to have stopped was long past, so I can't be sure it's the same people who hired me before, but I can't worry about that for the moment.

The trellised wall looks easy enough to scale, but which side to go...one side is presumably toward the main road, one leads back to Bane's compound, presumably the opposite one leads to another compound or alley, which is where Nuyok would head to, eventually looking to get to an alley, perhaps such as are used by delivery servants, to make an escape.

Nuyok also thinks to himself, it has been some time since he was living the street life, lost touch with anyone he really knew [i](read: contacts)[/i], and they might be compromised as well, and never did get along with anyone on this side of town - if I get away, where to go...hmmm. Might just have to get out of town to lay low for a while, and figure out what's happened.
Old tricks
By: TheGM
Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2002 10:34:55 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The alley seems like the best route, and there is a handy garden sculpture along the back wall. Marvelling that you have lost none of your old skills while learning the new ones, you nimbly mount the stone figure of a dancing cat-beast. With a quick movement you are over the wall and standing in the service alley beyond. Pelting down the narrow way, you suddenly remember that these service alleys have iron gates at the end. Only servants and trusted delivery people have keys. The locks are probably easy to pick, but your skills are old and rusty. Further, you have no lock picks.
Once you reach the gate, you realize the lock is pretty simple. Rather than risk going through another person's property, (perhaps someone with more vigilant guardians), a quick try with a dagger point seems worth the time.
Lockpicking 8-
Simple Lock, +2
No picks, -5
Roll is 5-
Spirit Sight may be used as a complementary roll. It will be rolled first.
Old Tricks
By: TheGM
Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2002 10:35:53 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The alley seems like the best route, and there is a handy garden sculpture along the back wall. Marvelling that you have lost none of your old skills while learning the new ones, you nimbly mount the stone figure of a dancing cat-beast. With a quick movement you are over the wall and standing in the service alley beyond. Pelting down the narrow way, you suddenly remember that these service alleys have iron gates at the end. Only servants and trusted delivery people have keys. The locks are probably easy to pick, but your skills are old and rusty. Further, you have no lock picks.
Once you reach the gate, you realize the lock is pretty simple. Rather than risk going through another person's property, (perhaps someone with more vigilant guardians), a quick try with a dagger point seems worth the time.
Lockpicking 8-
Simple Lock, +2
No picks, -5
Roll is 5-
Spirit Sight may be used as a complementary roll. It will be rolled first.
3, 6, 6 (STUN: 15, BODY: 5) Sun September 15, 2002 @10:35 PM (PDT)
2, 1, 3 (STUN: 6, BODY: 2) Sun September 15, 2002 @10:35 PM (PDT)
Close but no cheroot
By: TheGM
Posted: Sunday, September 15, 2002 10:50:24 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Demon-Kings! You almost had it! If only you had a little more time. While you ponder your dilemma, your spirit sight sees someone approaching from the other side of the gate. They are obscured by a wall, and thus cannot yet see you. What do you do?

Missed it by that much! Included is a map

[EDITED on Sun September 15, 2002 @10:51 PM (PDT)]

By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 16, 2002 06:40:19 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
[i]So close! ; ) Nice map[/i]

[i]Guessing it is just one person and not sounding heavily armored?[/i]

[i]How tall and thick is the wall right beside Nuyok, i.e., reasonable to try to climb up and lay flat atop, then be able to drop down outside the gate once the person passes by?[/i]

[i]Presumably no servants would be coming at this time of night?[/i]

Providing the wall can be scaled quickly and quietly, especially if it would help to jog back to the last servant access door and use the narrowness of the walls on each side to facilitate climbing, Nuyok would prefer to avoid confrontation under the circumstances.

If needed:
5, 6, 5 (STUN: 16, BODY: 4) Mon September 16, 2002 @9:40 AM (EDT)
4, 5, 2 (STUN: 11, BODY: 3) Mon September 16, 2002 @9:40 AM (EDT)
Sneaking about
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, September 16, 2002 08:11:04 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
I'm responding to the original thread since the posts were getting kind of narrow. : ) BTW, use the html tags < >, not the UBB tags [ ] if you want to format your text. Finally, thanks for pre-rolling. It's a great tool to keep from breaking up play by waiting for responses. Post-finally, Thanks, I plan to use a lot of maps.

The figure does not seem heavily armored and in fact, your spirit sight would reveal any large amount of armor if you specifically look for it. The walls here are 10 feet high and designed to be smooth and difficult to climb. Getting out is usually easy. In is harder. Also, many folks put small iron spikes or set broken glass in the mortar on top to discourage this sort of activity. A quick perusal shows you that bothe the final estates are so protected but the second one on the right is simply peaked on top. You could perch there with diffculty.

Servants can often be sent on late night errands and pick-ups of things like laundry can sometimes be made very early so the workers can work round the clock.

Climbing the wall is difficult, but you manage to scramble up using the access door for a foothold. The wood complains loudly with a sharp crack, but you hope this is masked by the sound of the person opening the lock and swinging open the gate.

The servant (It is a woman in her forties, rather matronly of figure) enters and calls out, "Hello? Is someone in there?" waiting a moment for a reply she looks nervously about. She turns to re-lock the gate, and then once again peering into the gloom she apparently thinks better and leaves the gate closed but the lock unfastened. She moes cautiously inward, glancing carefully as she passes each little door.
Atop the wall
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 06:45:14 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Definitely need to start new topics to keep the messages wide : ) You're welcome on the prerolling, I figured it couldn't hurt - feel free to roll for me if I miss a reason to roll.

While perched atop the wall and waiting to give the servant enough time to pass by, using all his senses, spirit and physical, Nuyok tries to sense what he can of the activity back in Bane's compound, as well as past the alley gate while concealing himself on the wall, toward the opposite side from the alley on the peaked top (quick glance to make sure there's no immediate danger in the compound).

Perception Roll
6, 1, 2 (STUN: 9, BODY: 3) Tue September 17, 2002 @9:45 AM (EDT)
Sense Roll, if separate
1, 2, 3 (STUN: 6, BODY: 2) Tue September 17, 2002 @9:45 AM (EDT)
Concealment, if necessary
5, 3, 5 (STUN: 13, BODY: 3) Tue September 17, 2002 @9:45 AM (EDT)

Should potential danger approach the alley from the compound, Nuyok will want to jog safely along the top of the peaked wall, then drop down in the alley and make for the gate. Should potential danger approach from past the alley gate, Nuyok will scan the compound whose wall he is atop, to see whether it'll make for a decent escape route.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 06:50:01 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
FYI, Nuyok's got 18 INT, thus his INT-roll, PER, Spirit, and Concealment rolls are all 13- base.

[EDITED on Tue September 17, 2002 @11:29 AM (EDT)]
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 09:37:33 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Spirit sight would be difficult at this range, there are a wide variety of spirits in between you and the compound, many of them augmented (This is a posh neighborhood)
However, you need no spirit sight to here the police whistles as officers are apparently being summoned to the crime scene.
However, your excellent spirit sense roll does detect that at least two of the officers whom you originally ran from are running toward the gate, presumably to cut you off. It will take them less than a minute to circle round. They are fast. The street beyond the gate is fairly empty right now.
As you gaze, a light comes on from the compound upon whose wall you perch. A deep voice calls out, "What's all the racke-- Hey! You! Get off there! Ace, there's an intruder, boy! Go get him!" This is followed by a deep growling.
The immediate presumption would be a Beast guard dog, as such are common among the wealthy. Some have normal dogs, however.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 11:09:56 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Time to cut and run, Nuyok thinks, dropping back into the alley and making for the gate. Presumably the guards from Bane's compound that are circling around are coming from the left, so Nuyok plans to head to the right once outside the gate.

What will be to the right? What's that direction in relation to the city's orientation itself?
Left? Right?
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 02:14:41 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The guards will be coming from the right. This map, excerpted from the city map, will hopefully make it more clear. The red dot is Bane's estate. The green line is your flight behind the Broadway estates. The blue dot is your current location, where the access alley empties onto the cross street. The map you saw earlier was smaller in area. The access alley curves here and there to follow hill contours

[EDITED on Tue September 17, 2002 @2:16 PM (PDT)]

By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 02:48:14 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Ah, much clearer!

Since the guards are coming from the right, Nuyok looks ahead for other service alleys, and looks to the right for whether he could make it to another cross street before the guards could see him, or alternatively what may be around in the street to provide concealment.
Many options
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 04:23:52 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Although not as heavily landscaped as Broadway, this street, like many in the area has no shortage of tall, thickly canopied trees. Any other alleys in the immediate stone's throw are also gated. With a Dex Roll, you might be able to sprint to the next intersection before they turn the corner.
You know that the longer you hang around here, the greater the likeliood that they will bring Bloodhounds. (Canine beasts who work for the authorities.) It is possible they might also bring an adept officer with Spirit Sight.
In any case, once you have given them the slip, it is unlikely they would be able to catch up. You are fast.
Going for it!
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 06:28:16 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Damn, Nuyok thinks, probably best to just get some distance from them at this point, and dashes down the street in the opposite direction from the guards, looking to make the intersection and turn to head toward the market area (should be a right after running left?).

4, 1, 4 (STUN: 9, BODY: 2) Wed September 18, 2002 @9:28 AM (EDT)
Pounding cobbles
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 09:56:41 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
With a burst of superhuman speed, you sprint over the cobbles like a rabbit on fire. Not slowing down, you make a wide right turn just as the constables leave Broadway. You are pretty sure they did not see you. However, you know that the whistles will bring plenty of attention, so you do not slacken your speed until you have left the Quarter.

Adopting a purposeful, but not suspicious pace, you pass by the Cemetary, where the richest in Tallon are entombed, past the Archon's zoo, where the silence is occasionally split by the eerie cries of odd creatures. As you get closer to Tallon Circle, you realize you must give it a wide birth, and thus avoid the Palace of Justice.

There is activity in the Market Circle. A pair of oxen are yoked to a large covered cart, a wagon really. People are in the process of loading it with well-wrapped bundles. All the workers appear to be human.

There is other activity here, people whose business takes them out at odd hours, and others working on booths or storefronts. Tomorrow is marketday, and sellers are getting ready.
In the Market
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 02:02:52 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok will take a casual stroll through the market area, to size up the types of activity, focusing on those apparently packing to depart, to try to casually overhear planned destinations or to casually inquire about destinations from common laborers. Nuyok figures this sort of information will be useful should this be the route he decides to take (i.e., to leave town), to let the heat on him die down while trying to figure out what happened. Presumably if anyone in a caravan has spirit sense, it wouldn't do Nuyok any good to try to conceal his "adept" status, as the revelation of such information later on would only create suspicion, Nuyok thinks, so if he's going to join up with anyone (presumably "adepts" are frequently hired on to caravans?), he should probably go with as much truth as he can from the start (but obviously not that he's on the run).
Sizing up the scene
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 09:30:18 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
From a discreet distance you can hear only a few snippets, enough to make you believe that they are loading bundles of cloth. You wonder if this is, in fact a real caravan. It's awfully small. Perhaps they are going to join another group?
Your sirit sense tells you that none of them are likely adepts. At least, none are wearing lumina*.
If you saunter by to engage one in conversation, he will look up at you and say, "Evening sir. Or morning I s'pose. Kin I do somethin' for you?" He seems to be rather simple, but broad of back, and is dressed in the loin wrap of a common laborer.

*I should have mentioned this to you when discussing your equipment. nearly all adepts will carry a lumina crystal. Besides being a generally useful source of light, it is the easiest way for an adept to let a normal person know that he is, in fact, an adept. From the Glossary:

Lumina: Artifact light-producing crystal. Comes in a variety of colors and can only be activated by an adept

You may choose any color you wish and that is the color of light it will produce. It is about as bright as a small flashlight.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2002 06:49:07 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok's lumina would be a sapphire blue color, is this something that Nuyok would know how it works? In order to avoid attention in case the law shows up looking for an adept, Nuyok will have the crystal concealed for the moment.

Hmm, seems pretty light right now, only 1 semi-caravan loading, Nuyok thinks. Might as well check it out.

Nuyok wanders over, and responds "Pretty small caravan there, must not be traveling far?", and looks around for any sort of leader.

In case any rolls are needed (conversation, perception, etc.):
6, 6, 5 (STUN: 17, BODY: 5) Thu September 19, 2002 @9:49 AM (EDT)
5, 2, 3 (STUN: 10, BODY: 3) Thu September 19, 2002 @9:49 AM (EDT)
2, 3, 6 (STUN: 11, BODY: 4) Thu September 19, 2002 @9:49 AM (EDT)
Yes sir.
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2002 09:23:24 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The laborer looks at you, a kind of dull expression on his wide face.
"Oh no sir, We'll be going a long way indeed. All the way to Karkul!" He spits as he says the name of this city, actually the closest to Tallon.

Looking about, you see a man dressed a bit better than the loaders. He has the look of command about him.

"Alright boys, stop jawing and put your backs into it, we haveto get over the first hills before sunup..." He stops suddenly and looks at you. "Who the Deus are you?" his eyes flicker down to the lumina at your chest. "...Sir?" he reluctantly adds.

He is a large man, with the air of someone used to fighting. In fact, he is carrying a broadsword and has a crossbow in one hand, which he is loading into a holster on the buckboard while he is speaking.
Caravan Leader
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2002 11:47:19 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Hope my "plan" isn't too off-track for your campaign plans : )

How long of a trip is it to Karkul?

Ignoring the direct question, Nuyok will respond by coolly stating "Seems to be a small caravan for such a long trip..."

6, 2, 1 (STUN: 9, BODY: 3) Thu September 19, 2002 @5:16 PM (EDT)
3, 6, 5 (STUN: 14, BODY: 4) Thu September 19, 2002 @2:47 PM (EDT)

EDIT, fix typo

[EDITED on Thu September 19, 2002 @5:16 PM (EDT)]
"Yeah? What's it to you?"
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2002 02:31:27 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Don't worry you're falling right into my tra-- er, not messing things up too badly.

Karkul is less than a week away, depending on the weather. A full day of good sea travel by a spirit ship.

The caravan master, as you assume him to be, seems annoyed by your questioning, but he is not insolent. "Begging your pardon... sir. But what is that to you? Are you looking for passage? Our boss doesn't like passengers and frankly, I don't have time to bab-- watch over someone who ain't got no Wilds experience."
Caravan Leader II
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, September 19, 2002 08:09:11 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
With a condescending look, Nuyok cuts of the leader, demanding to know who his boss is and if he's traveling with them?
Pushing and Pushing back
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 12:29:45 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The caravan leader does not wither under your gaze. He does not bristle either.
"My boss is no trade secret. This caravan is under the orders of Merchant Vance, under the patronage of Merchant Hamilton. If you have any further, you'll have to wait for him to finish his meeting with the Guildmaster."

Merchant Hamilton is a name known to you. He is a silk merchant, and the most prosperous of his trade in the city. Obviously the caravan boss thinks this will 'knock you off your high horse'

The caravan boss indicates the Merchant Hall with his thumb, nods his head wih a half-smile and turns to his work, as if this has ended the conversation.
Merchant Hall
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 07:51:58 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Paying no heed to his false bravado, Nuyok turns from the caravan "leader" to look over the Merchant Hall, and strolls over to take a closer look as well as to continue to observe the activities of the caravan and the area in general for a while.

Has Nuyok ever heard of Vance?
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 20, 2002 09:45:07 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Oops, I made a setting mistake. I forgot you were in the market Circle, not Tallon Circle. The former is a straight marketplace, parts of it like an Arabian bazarre. Tallon Circle is the equivalent of the Forum of Classical Rome, where many public buildings are located. You avoided the latter because that is where the Palace of Justice is also located. To fix this error, amend my previous post to have the man wave his hand generally in the direction of Tallon Circle, less than half a klik north.

It is still the middle of the night. The area you are in front of is a permanent structure owned by Merchant Hamilton. Hamilton is wealthy enough to afford a small warehouse adjacent to the Market. Goods are being loaded from the warehouse.

Merchant Vance you have heard of, but never met, personally. By all accounts, he is a nice guy, though Bane never liked him much. Of course Bane doesn't --didn't like merchants as a rule. Tough attitude for a man who was judge of the Merchant Quarter.

Besides the teamsters, you can see a couple dozen people. Someone is working on a booth, another erson is arranging colorful jewelry made from seashells, there is a prostitute (you assume) walking through the Circle, There is also Brassman, the animate who guards the city gates (when they are open), who appears to be strolling about and generally inspecting things.
Market Circle
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2002 10:31:31 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: No problem on the setting "correction" : )

Given the time of night, Nuyok is going to continue to casually observe the area, but from an alcove somewhere (to avoid any long-ranging guard patrol), maybe sit down and catch a catnap (have lightsleep).

If necessary, concealment (13-):
2, 3, 3 (STUN: 8, BODY: 3) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:31 PM (EDT)
If necessary, perception (13-):
4, 6, 4 (STUN: 14, BODY: 4) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:31 PM (EDT)
Market Circle
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2002 10:31:50 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: No problem on the setting "correction" : )

Given the time of night, Nuyok is going to continue to casually observe the area, but from an alcove somewhere (to avoid any long-ranging guard patrol), maybe sit down and catch a catnap (have lightsleep).

If necessary, concealment (13-):
6, 5, 6 (STUN: 17, BODY: 5) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:31 PM (EDT)
If necessary, perception (13-):
5, 2, 6 (STUN: 13, BODY: 4) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:31 PM (EDT)
Market Circle
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2002 10:33:27 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Ack! My post got killed, trying again!
OOC: No problem on the setting "correction" : )

Given the time of night, Nuyok is going to continue to casually observe the area, but from an alcove somewhere (to avoid any long-ranging guard patrol), maybe sit down and catch a catnap (have lightsleep).

If necessary, concealment (13-):
3, 1, 5 (STUN: 9, BODY: 2) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:33 PM (EDT)
If necessary, perception (13-):
5, 6, 1 (STUN: 12, BODY: 3) Sat September 21, 2002 @1:33 PM (EDT)
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2002 10:35:29 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Something weird happened, looked like my post didn't get posted, got booted to the front page and had to re-log in, so after posting again, it showed an extra post after the first, and then a third post which was a repost after the issue - weird.
Settiling down
By: TheGM
Posted: Saturday, September 21, 2002 02:50:51 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Finding a darkened spot to rest is no problem. You are pretty sure you are well-hidden and yet can see the Circle clearly. Since you have lightsleep, I will let you (the player) continue to observe the action in the Circle. You may decide when to have Nuyok awaken and join the action.
Please go to Market Circle.
Cripes! The boss is coming!