Morning has broken
By: TheGM
Posted: Sunday, May 11, 2003 11:37:51 PM
Viewable By: Vagrant, Riccoco, Nuyok, Rath, Faliol, Cas, Handle, Celeste, TheGM, Beka
The City of Adala


The dawn comes and the party awakens from restful sleep. The accommodations have not been extravagant, but they were safe enough. Some of the group attends to breakfast while others prepare the carts. There are local workers present nearby, preparing to go out into the fields.
The breakfast is simple, for the chance of true eateries lie within the walls of Adala. While the assemblage sits at the rude wooden tables, Kent interjects, "Well, we've reached our detination. I'd like to enter the city and see what comes of looking about for customers. I have to get our papers at the gate, Jareek, Faliol, Riccoco." To the raccoon he adds, "I know you're an independant trader Ricco, but if I can sell all my bags, plus yours to one customer, I'll do so for no fee. Of course, you probably have your own ideas. Jareek, Faliol, I'll probably need help lugging things about. It's not part of your job, but I'll throw in a meal or two, depending on prices."
He looks at the folk who entered the city last night. "You lot scouted about last night. What do you suggest? I've got dreamleaf and crystal to sell. Did you see any likely buyers?"
To the rest of the assemblage:
"What do the rest of you intend on doing?"

If any one you are wearing the goods procured last night, please state so in your next post.
Doing Things the Right Way
By: Cas
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 12:12:03 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Cas is going to try and act like one of those squirrels last night. That being, not do anything that will draw attention to her. She will be driving the cart where Beka says to drive it and when to drive it. She will avoid eye contact and conversation even if it means biting her own lip off in the process.
Next action
By: Celeste
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 01:27:04 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Celeste will accompany Beka into the city proper.
It would be our pleasure to help
By: Faliol
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 04:16:29 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
I walk up to Mr. Kent, hangover making me regret being born, "Mr. Kent, it would be our pleasure to help you in town. You don't have to buy us any meals. Jareek and I appreciate the way you treated us and would be honored to help you."

.oO(I am likely to get a lecture later on from Jareek on turning down Kent's offer of food...)
Re: (Hero Central: The Savage Earth) Mor
By: Vagrant
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 10:08:57 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Vagrant appears before his caravan members as the
morning begins. He turns the heads of some of you as
you see him adorned in a single clean layer of
bandages across his face, left arm and leg. For the
first time, bare (highly white) skin is visible on his
right appendages. Complementing these changes is his
new spirit cloak which seems to give the normally sick
and destitute man a fresh healthy glow.

"Morning to you all. I think today may very well be a
good day. Who's hungry?"

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Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
By: Rath
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 10:57:49 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
"You're sure in a good mood Vagrant. Things went well in town?"
Re: (Hero Central: The Savage Earth) Wow
By: Vagrant
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 01:40:36 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
"My lot in life is what I make of it."

While I must be realistic", Vagrant lightly touches
his bandaged face, "There is no reason to hide
completely. Today is the day to change things for the

"Come on Rath," shouts Vagrant as he slaps the
man-monster across the back, "I go into town to sell
off my posters, repay my debt to Beka, and perhaps
look for a way to forge a more permanent lease on

Vagrant seems quite happy but even with his zeal you
can detect that his health is still an issue. He
wheezes when he jokes and coughs when he laughs.
Still, his attitude makes you feel he has had some
sort of epiphany and has made some serious plans.

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 11:12:13 AM
Viewable By: TheGM, Vagrant
Vagrant, your source in Tallon mentioned that there was a collector in Adala who is paying top dollar for collectible relics. He assured you that the movie posters were a good choice, since most collectors collect art.
The collector's name is Merchant Throne. You have never met him (though you were briefly in Adala before as indicated by your background.)
Who's the new guy?
By: Celeste
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 12:49:17 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Celeste looks at Vagrant, not quite believing the difference in his appearance. She smiles at him but does not comment.
By: Riccoco
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 11:17:09 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Ricco beams a grin at Kent. "That would be mighty Right o' you, Master Kent, and ol' Riccoco be mighty thankfull, too!"

His eyes glance about, unseeing for a moment or two before he adds, "This 'coon might be havin' a thing or two to do today iffin' none o' the rest o' you be needin' him?"
'Coon doings
By: Riccoco
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 11:19:05 AM
Viewable By: Riccoco, TheGM

Ricco is going to keep searching for this 'Beastly Black Market'. He'll push ever farther along this area outside of Adalla. Not getting caught would be his primary goal. He'll try and keep a low profile. We can either play it out or not as you would prefer.

Let me know!
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:27:13 PM
Viewable By: Riccoco, TheGM
Sorry, I as waiting for your response to Faliol's entreaty and totally forgot you were waing for a response from me. Assuming you do strike out alone:
Riccoco, you make your intentions known and no amount of argument from Faliol sways you. Leaving before they even get the animals hitched seems the easiest.

Two questions:
1) Where are you going to start looking?

2) Are you carrying your Dreamleaf, or did you leave it for Kent to possibly sell?
I don't think...
By: Riccoco
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 07:22:17 AM
Viewable By: Riccoco, TheGM
... that I saw Faliol's entreaty...

I'm very sorry if I missed a post...

I'll try and find it today! I just don't remember Faliol asking anything of Riccoco.
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 09:26:37 AM
Viewable By: Riccoco, TheGM
Respond to it if you want, but they have moved on, so it will have to be in the negative (see your own thread)
Money, Money, Money
By: Beka
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 01:11:32 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Once we're ready:
Cas, will you drive, we're going to Blue Street. I'll show you where.
Rath, I need you and Celeste for guards please.
Nuyok and Handle are welcome to come with us. We will be going to a certain establishment on Blue Street and hopefully he will buy all the silk today. If he doesn't need that much, he said he would let me know of some other merchants that might be interested.
Once the sale is complete, you are all free to do as you wish until day after tomorrow. That is when I intend to return to Tallon. Anyone that needs money now, I will be happy to pay 1/2 your wages here after the sale of the silk. You will of course receive the other 1/2 in Tallon or I will hold on to all of your payment until we're back home if you wish.
Cas, I would be happy to see to the sale of your Chess Set when we're done with the silk. I have one other commitment tonight, I am meeting a Master Kana Is this right Keith?at the Fireboat at nine bells. You are welcome to join me but I have no idea if this establishment serves beasts. (Said with a wry smile...) Is there anything I?ve forgotten? I?m not ignoring anyone, I?m just absent minded?
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 09:53:00 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Two corrections, actually:

The meeting was with the dashing young guardsman, whose name was not dropped.

The invitation was extended to the entire company, though he spoke directly to Beka.

Into Adala
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 08:53:32 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Nuyok will go with Vagrant into the city, presumably we'll be traveling with the rest of the caravan to Blue Street to find a buyer for Vagrant's posters. Given that Nuyok and Vagrant (and anyone else, e.g., Handle) will be separated from the group, Nuyok suggests meeting up at the location (tavern?) with the officer/guardsman once business is transacted.
The gates of the city
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 12, 2003 10:15:59 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Though several tried to dissuade him, Riccoco wishes to do a few things alone this morning. He announces that he will catch up later.

The gates are wholly new, even to those who entered last night. Whereas last night was a quiet deserted encounter, the morning has brought hustle and bustle to the great arch. The doors are massive iron constructs, obviously enhanced or they could never be moved. They stand open while the traffic of commerce goes through the gates. For the most part folks are headed in. There are beasts and humans in abundance and it seems a madhouse. Most folk are waved through, but a few are being detained and asked for identification. The look of those detained is more one of annoyance and impatience than fear or anger. There is some confusion as well when papers are not what the guards expect. These people are merely turned back. An angry-looking farmer trudges away from the gates pulling a handcart of produce. He shoots a look in your direction as he passes, obviously wanting to share his frustration.
"Twenty-three years I bin takin' me bits o' root and fruit through that gate. Now I gotta have a license. A license! Whoever heard o' such nonsense! Not in my day, by the stones! Not in my day! Oughta be a law about laws!"
He seems to be an exception, however as most folk get through.
As your cart and wagon approach the walls, you are flagged over by a short, fat guard with a plumed helmet.
"Sundry crew, eh? Forriners by the look o' ye. Well lessee your chits. C'mon, I aint got the whole mornin'. State yer names and business." His look of self importance would be comical were you not trying to conceal a secret or two.

Kent quickly produces paperwork for himself and Faliol and Jareek. The guard spends an inordinate amount of time on it. the writs that the four who entered last night present are accepted readily enough, but he insists the party remain together till the last "t" is crossed.
Finally he gets to the "underlings" as he refers to Beka's crew. "Fancy duds fer roadworn folk. Clean, too. Why's that then?" His eyes narrow suspiciously.
By: Cas
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 04:24:29 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Cas drives away humming some tune she knows from memory but nothing more.
Be smart, Ricco!
By: Faliol
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 09:10:57 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: Not sure if it is too late to have this conversation. If so, I apologize.

After listening to several of the caravaners warn Ricco against going into the city, I pull him off to one side.

"Ricco, please don't go in alone. Let me finish up escorting Mr. Kent to his buyers and then I can watch your back while you do your 'selling'. I will stay out of hearing and believe me, we foxes know how to turn a blind eye to - how shall I put this delicately -'questionable business practices'. You need someone that knows your whereabouts just in case these Adalians decide that you are a threatening beast and throw your furry butt into jail. Plus, when you are conducting business, it can't hurt to have a friend make sure you don't get clobbered and robbed or worse..."

.oO(Please let him be reasonable...)
to the guard
By: Handle
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 04:52:43 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Purchased last night with our earnings from the road. Most want to make a good impression on your city so you will remember us and welcome us when we return. We hope to make the Talon Adala run a regular route. Can you tell me where your public baths are located. I and some of my freinds would really like to be truly rid of the road, for a time at least."
By: Beka
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 08:18:03 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Here are the papers for the wagon and my crew.
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 10:47:53 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Unknown/Removed Character, Vagrant
The guard dismisses Handle's inquiry about baths with a, "You'll find bathhouses inside, I'm not a tour guide. Hmm, so you went in, but spent the night in the greens, eh?" He glances at the beasts assembled. "Oh. I see. Let me look at those papers, young woman."
He begins to pore over them carefully. "Hmm. Um-hm. Um-hm. Um-hm. Silks, eh? Yet you bought some finery? Perhaps spirit-touched? Maybe I should call the Master of the Watch over. That big fellow far too dirty for such a fine shirt. And that cape," gesturing at Vagrant. "I have seen too many people think they can waltz in here without being properly searched and identified. Well, those days are gone my fine lads and ladies."
He begins to raise a hand and call the Master when a low but strong voice cuts in, "I really don't think that will be necessary, Hobart. I met this party last night. They're friends, and no danger."
The short guard freezes as a large, square-featured guard (with one more pip upon his pauldron, but no plume) places a large hand on his shoulder.
"Watchman Jonnit!" he exclaims. "I was just--"
"I know what you were doing. These people are in order, and I don't think any more silver will straighten their paperwork any more."
Hobart blusters in protest, "I never! I, eh, I was just doing my duty to the Archon."
"Is that what you call it? Please do it elsewhere, I want to speak with my friends."
Hobart leaves, fuming about insults and revenge. Jonnit, who is the ranking guardsman from the previous night, turns to the party. "I must apologize for Hobart. The rules and regulations are rather new and folk are still trying to get used to them. They do diminish street crime, smuggling and such, but they generate their own ills.
"My name is Jonnit, by the way. Lieutenant Jonnit, Constable of her grace the Archon Drakara. There are more of you than last night. Are you all the same caravan?"
Days Gone By
By: Cas
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 11:00:39 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Cas almost starts to say something but catches herself. She decides it is best to share it later when their aren't other people around.
Blushing and Eye Batting
By: Beka
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 09:14:57 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Oh, thank you! Lieutenant Jonnit? I was just telling my friends about out meeting and I realized that I didn't know your name. Now I do and I also believe I owe you the first drink tonight.
We are actually three parties travelling together. Trader Kent, Ricocco, Faliol, and Jareek accompanied us on the road.
Vagrant is alone and trading ancient artifacts.
My group consists of Master Nuyok, Guards Handle, Rath, Celeste, Guard/Driver Cas...
and...(smile, blush) myself, Merchant Beka.
Once again, it is nice to meet you (bat, bat, coy hair toss).
The human mating dance
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 09:41:57 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
I lean close to Nuyok and whisper, "So, is Beka initiating part of the human courtship rituals? What is next? Do human males engage in combat or is it more subtle? (looks over at Rath) Do you human males mark your territory in some fashion, butt heads, or perhaps perform a dance to gain her attention? Since you lack a tail, I have to wonder..."
Mating Ritual
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:09:51 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Yes, you are very perceptive, it is indeed a human mating ritual. Since no male of our caravan has laid claim to Beka, she is not marked territory, and conflict is unlikely. Watch closely now, as you will the human female sensuously wiggle her hips, toy with her hair, and give coy looks toward her male suitor. The male will interpret these signals as an interest to mate with him, but the bounds of civilization dictate that such action not take place publicly, thus the human female will suggest a more private location, for instance saying we are all busy, so we would not be around. Ah yes, there she goes now. Continue to observe, and learn the complex human mating ritual..."
By: Faliol
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:34:26 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Thank you for shedding some light on your mating habits. I must have been in error when I thought that Rath had claimed Beka as his mate? You must be correct, for he seems strangely complacent when Mr. Jonnit tries to steal Beka away from him."

I momentarily lose myself in nostalgia, "If this had been a fox mating ritual, the males would have begun the tail wagging and started growling to establish dominance. That reminds me, one day I followed Jareek to a tavern the name of which I have long forgotten. He wasn't in there 10 minutes before he came back out again with a pretty vixen on his arm. Her mate came storming up the street, furious at his mate's attempt to cuckold him."

Making sure Jareek is elsewhere with a quick look-around, I continue on, "Next thing I know, Jareek and the fox are bristling, furiously wagging tails and hissing like big, red, furry lizards. Well, the other fox was bigger and had a better looking tail. His mate was edging towards him. So Jareek, err, well he kicked him where it hurts most. Kinda hard to wag your tail when you get kicked 'there'. So, the vixen walks off with Pops, while her ex-mate pukes his dinner all over the cobblestones..."

With a mild shake of the head, "Sometimes, I think we would be better off reproducing like the plants. Whole lot less painful."
Things Animal Planet Taught Me
By: Cas
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 12:03:11 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Cas adds in a little to the talk of courting while she drives, "At least humans don't use the gator courtship ritual. I hear that gators attempt to drawn each other until one of them either the one wishing to court gives up or the one who is being courted gives in. I hear to see a courtship like that-"

Cas stops for a moment, suddenly remembering the mud wrestling contest. She realizes people are looking at her and finishes her sentence, "are very bizarre to watch."
when gators mate
By: Faliol
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 02:20:41 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Really? Then I hope both gators are successful in their efforts to drown the other."

I shudder, "Next to rats, I like gators least of all the other beasts. Of course, I don't like dogs very much either. Don't really know why I don't like dogs... None of them ever hurt me. But my fur stands on end when I get near one of them."
By: Cas
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 05:54:41 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"For some reason, Dogs smell funny," Cas says introspectively. "Maybe that is why."
Dang mutts
By: Faliol
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 06:36:15 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
?Cas, perhaps you are right. Dogs do smell funny.?
Now I understand
By: Celeste
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 01:47:41 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
.oO(Why the town party was sooooo late coming back last night)
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 11:37:17 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
The pompous guard waves aside Handle's request. "You'll find baths inside the walls easy enough. I'm not a tour guide!"
To Beka he says, "All right Miss, let me see your paperwork. He glances at them and begins to say, "Hmmm... Um-hm. Um-hm. Um-hm. But these have already been sta---Oh, I see, you have more," looking at Cas, Celeste and Rath."That's a pretty shirt, and clean, too. The rest of you is unwashed." He glances at Vagrant, whose papers he has not yet seen (not realizing he already has a writ). "There's no rain today, why the rain cloak? And why would Tallonites purchase clothing in Adala, Hmm? More here than meets the eye. Could ye be wearin' spirit cloth? Hiding something maybe? Maybe I need to call the Master of the Watch over to take a look." He begins to raise a hand when a second voice cuts in, low but firm.
"Now Hobart, I don't think we need to bother the Watch Master with trivialities like this."
'Hobart' stiffens, like someone caught in a lie or a illegal act. "Watchman Jonnit!" He exclaims. "There's nothing you need concern yourself with here. I was just--"
"I know what you were doing," replies Jonnit, the square-featured officer of the night before. "These people are friends of mine. I met and cleared them last night."
"Not all of them," splutters Hobart, "I was doing my duty to the Archon. The rules specifically state--"
"--That suspicious folk are to be searched, yes, I know. But these are acquaintances of mine, I don't think a few silver in your pouch is going to make them any less suspicious."
Hobart turns red. "How dare you! I never--"
"Never?" replies Jonnit calmly. "Perhaps we should take the matter up with the Master of the Watch?"
"No! No, that won't be necessary. All right Jonnit, you win. Today. But just because you have highly placed friends, don't think you can depend on them forever."
Hobart quickly leaves with a sneer to go hassle someone else.

Jonnit turns to the party. "All right, lets get your papers stamped and writs issued before Hobart thinks twice. Psyche moves slowly through lard, but he'll work it out." He begins summarily glancing at your paperwork and issuing writs of passage.
"My apologies. The rules are new, and though they have cut down on smuggling and criminal flight, they come with their own ills. If anyone gives you problems like that in the future and I am not nearby, a silver dollar or two will generally clear things up. More, if you dress like them," indicating Rath and Vagrant in their new finery.
"That should do it. I could never let travellers from Tallon be taken like that. My mother would never forgive me." He winks, handing out the last writ to Cas.

"Now, as to my invitation, it still stands. Oh, but you have a mixed party. That lets out the inn I mentioned earlier. Well, still, if you want a good place where you can all eat, might I suggest One-eyed Lars. It's off Blue Street again, just not quite as nice. Still the ale and wine are far better than what you would get in Tallon, begging your pardon. Just turn left at the fountain if three maidens and look for his sign. Big green eye. My shift got changed and I will be off-duty late this afternoon. If you want to meet there, I'd love to hear the news."
By: Rath
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 12:03:27 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Rath give Jonnit a slight smile as he walks by. When out of ear shot he
nudges Beka, "Jeez could you have been any more obvious. Why don't you
just rip his clothes off next time."
By: Beka
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 02:44:00 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Perhaps I will!
By: Beka
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 02:46:02 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Actually, I don't know if any of my group will be joining us- I think they're all busy. But what time this afternoon?
By: Celeste
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 01:53:05 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"I won't be busy Beka, besides you will definitely be needing a guard after you sell your silks." Celeste tries hard to keep a grin off of her face.
: D
Rats, You're Right
By: Beka
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 09:14:51 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
To Celeste: Great! (said with "the leaving look") Then you should join us.
To Jonnit: But, since no one else will be coming we can go to the first place you suggested.
To Celeste: Will you want 1/2 your pay before we go so you can afford it Celeste?
Savage Earth 90210
By: Faliol
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 09:25:44 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Whispering to Nuyok, "Please explain why Celeste seems keen on being a witness to the Hamilton-Jonnit mating ritual. Do you think she has designs upon the Watchman herself? I thought you humans preferred privacy for these things..."
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 02:00:42 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Ah, that is one more complexity in human mating rituals, Celeste is interfering with the process intentionally actually. Whether it is a mutual desire to mate with this man, or simply to prevent Beka's opportunity, it is not clear, but this practice is common, especially when it involves a male interfering with another, frequently referred to as the "cock block". Perhaps one can't have the mate for themselves, so they attempt to prohibit others from having the mate, thus keeping open the possibility for their own opportunity, as unlikely as it is. In this case, however, I suspect that Celeste is not so much interested in the male as a mate, as much as she is enjoying seeing Beka twist in the wind, if you will. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to lead to a "catfight", as the phrase goes, no offense to beasts intended."
No offense taken!
By: Faliol
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 02:07:53 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Ah, that explains it. No offense taken, my good Adept. Just the opposite. I thank you for taking the time and effort to further my education in the ways of you humans."
By: Beka
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 04:19:08 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: You made me snorff my drink...

By: Celeste
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 12:49:16 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: At least you didn't spew it all over the computer screen
: D
Cock Block
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 06:58:30 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: Just doing my part in the education of the fox in human ways ; )
Way to go, Nuyok!
By: Faliol
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 07:55:36 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
I laughed loud enough to draw looks.

"Cock Block", priceless.

: )
OOC You guys!
By: Celeste
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2003 12:49:18 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: You guys sound like Spock and Sarek being profound about humans.

Sarek: Observe now, my son, the female will begin to shed her clothing.

Spock: Indeed, so that is how it is done. Fascinating. I must try this ritual some time, say, in about another seven years.

Looking at the ladies
By: Handle
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2003 01:23:32 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Celeste, how safer can she be than with one of the cities on guard captains? I think you can be safely on your own for the night Beka. And Celeste perhaps you would like to come with Nuyok and me and find some baths?"
*slight leer*
By: Celeste
Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2003 12:59:51 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Celeste looks at Beka, and then at Handle, and then back at Beka, who is watching the disappearing figure of Jonnit. "Beka, if you feel you won't be needing my services after you sell your silks, I will take you up on your offer of 1/2 of my pay. I should like to explore this city a bit."

"Beka? Oh, Beka?"
to Kent
By: Handle
Posted: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 04:46:46 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
" Mr. Kent, we did not see any market business. The main markets and most mainstreet shops were closed, only night business. I din't see any beasts doing anything at all. Maybe there is a cerfew or something."

I think for a moment,

"I can't remember seeing any dream leaf, so it may sell well."

Turning to Beka,

"I would be glad to travel in with you Beka, safty in numbers and all. After that I guess Nuyok, Vagrant and I will go off to tend to our own business and maybe find some baths as well."
Double Post
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 07:23:55 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Grrrr! You may have noticed a double post recently. I composed the first one and posted it normally. Something must have hiccupped with the server, since when I came back the next day, it was gone. I convinced myself I must have failed to push the "post" button properly and re-wrote the whole thing from memory.
Then Susan tells me there are two virtually identical posts on the board and Lo and Behold, I only have 27 posts out of 28 visible. As the GM.
Sigh... Please respond to and consider the second post to be 'canon', since I added a bit more material to it. I'll see if I can get Dan to fix it.

500th post
By: Faliol
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 08:30:37 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Look upon my posting frequency and weep, ye silent!
: )
By: Rath
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 09:32:33 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
In the middle of ribbing Beka Rath simply stops talking and his jawdrops. He stands there unmoving a look of complete shock on his face staring at a patio to a resturaunt where people are eating a quick breakfast.

"it'' can't be," Rath shakes his head as if trying to clear it and then runs off towards the cafe.
By: Beka
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:26:19 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Beka looks from Rath to Jonnit and back to Rath. She then looks at the wagon full of silk waiting to be sold and the people she has brought with her who are expecting to make some money for all their hard work. She looks longingly after Rath and turns slowly to bid Jonnit, "Farewell for now." She seems dejected as she directs Cas toward Blue Street.
The fleet feet of the four-armed Riven
By: Celeste
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 12:53:32 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
"Beka, shouldn't someone go after Rath?"
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:46:55 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Rath disappears through the crowd. You brefly see him on the far side, before he disappears into the depths of the city. You cannot tell what or whom he was after.
Not Following Rath
By: Cas
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:40:30 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"If it not for the fact that we are in Adala and that I am a beast and that I am the best driver and that I promised to drive and that, um, well that is about it, I would follow him and make sure he is alright. Unfortunately, I am busy avoiding stray kids who seem to be getting in the way a whole lot."
A voice from behind the wagon and in fro
By: Faliol
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 04:12:40 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"We need a leash for that guy! He just abandoned his post!"

I mumble in agitation at this uncaravan-like behavior displayed by the Riven.

.oO(As a person, Rath has many fine qualities. Impulsiveness is NOT a good quality.)
Watching Rath and turning...
By: Handle
Posted: Saturday, May 17, 2003 01:28:34 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
to Beka, "Ill try and find him make sure everything is alright. No more time to talk I already lost him."

"Nuyok I'll try and find you at the baths later. Celeste, I hope to see you there as well."

*smile* I go after Rath, weaving through the crowd trying to get a siting on his large bulk and flashy new shirt.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 09:06:01 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"The baths or at "X" tavern near Blue Street later on."

Nuyok will seek out the baths at the earliest opportunity, but also be on the lookout for Adept-related activities or locations.
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 09:31:23 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Rath, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
There is a very large public Bath at the forum of Blue Street. It is enclosed in a building with a huge glass roof. There are a number of fountains out front which are apparently a source of amusement for children.
The baths themselve look to be an upscale establishment.

As for other adept-specific amusements, this does not seem to be the area of town for such things.
Looking for Rath
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 09:28:40 AM
Viewable By: Handle, TheGM
Is it your true intention to track Rath, or did you have something else in mind?
If you wished to follow him, I will reinsert you into the main narrative, since he has been found. Otherwise let me know what you intend to do.
By: Handle
Posted: Monday, May 19, 2003 08:53:30 PM
Viewable By: Handle, TheGM
I did intend to find out what he was upto and make sure if posible he did not get into trouble, but if he is eaily found seems inno durress and returns quickly, then I would not interrupt him and would use this time to attempt to find someone which to sell my ill gotten booty.

I watch intently the side streets and look for what appears to be a more unseemly lot but not too large or too rough looking. Not having streetwise, since I always knew the people to work with in Talon, growing up with them, I never needed to learn hos to find them, but figuring these types are all similar I wil luse what knowledge I have about the Talon underworld to find similar sorts here and approach them delicately.
Old Faces
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 09:15:03 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
Rath, while standing about and talking, your attention is drawn through the gatehouse and towards the buildings that lie within the walls. In front of a partiular building that looks to be some sort of tavern, there is an outdoor dining area. There are already a number of people here; it looks to be a popular place for people coming into the city to grab a quick breakfast.
What catches your eye, however is one man. He is seated at a tabe next to a post, as if trying to be a bit concealed. He is staring at the party intensely. Your eyes lock and you recognize him.

Your mind casts back months ago to the worst day of your life. The day of the reaver. This man had come to your Tribe to speak with your chief. He was arranging some sort of a transaction, but being ten years old, you paid attention to little but the man's sword. It was the finest you'd ever seen. At some point it became the property of the chief, Razzak. You remember the man had boxes on carts and a small train of attendants; much gold changed hands. It was while you were sneaking onto a ledge up n the ridge, hoping to get to the man's carts and peek at the contents that the Bad Thing happened. There was the screaming and the running and the changing and then blackness.
Your memories after that are hazy, except you remember awakening to see this man standing over you and gesturing at the reaver, sending it away. It was shortly after that tribe came forth and saw what you had become. They asked the man if he could "fix" you and he replied that it would be more trouble than it was worth. Razzak, with greed in his eyes and a gleaming steel sword at his hip, agreed. You were chased away with rocks and worse.

You can still remember the utter look of unconcern on the (now-obvious) adept's face. The same face that now locks eyes with you in mutual recognition. The man hesitates and then gets up quickly to leave.

Edited to change "Ravvan" to a less confusing "Razzak"

[EDITED on Mon July 28, 2003 @11:26 PM (PDT)]
The Chase:
By: Rath
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 09:35:44 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
OOC: Were we allowed to bring out weapons in the city? If I couldn't bring my ax could I have at least brought my knife?I run after the man, does he appear to be traveling alone?
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 04:49:29 PM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
Yes, you have your axe. The Rules state that there are some areas of the city where they are forbidden, but the city in general is open territory.

Rath, you run into the city, heedless of the crowds in your path. Few people wish to obstruct a human bulldozer, and make room for you. The adept sees your approach and begins to run. He does not have the presence you possess, but he has a head start and is obviously familiar with the city.
He dives into the crowd of humans and beasts that fill the area beyond the gates in an obvious attempt to avoid you. He is nimble, and makes the far edge of the crowd while you are still in the thick of it. By the time you have gotten beyond the press of bodies, he is far down the street, nearly to the great plaza (The first major intersection after the gate, on the map. You are left with a choice: Continue on and hope you can pick up his trail after he passes through the plaza, or return to your comrades at the gate.
Re: Pursuit!
By: Rath
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:12:27 PM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
Have the crowds thinned out so I could run full speed? I'll run flat out
for a bit and if I haven't gained on him at all or lose him totally I'll
return to try to find the group.
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:40:16 PM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
The crowds have indeed thinned. They bunch up at the gates in the morning, apparently. Ahead you can see himreach the plaza and turn left, into the heart of the city. With a burst of speed, you tear down the cobbles like a jackrabbit. People turn their heads in curiosity as you pound past them, nearly overturning a fruit cart in your haste.
When you reach the intersection, there is no immediate sign of him, so you crane your neck around looking for any disturbances that might have indicated someone running by. Luckily, you are pretty tall and so have a good view.
Shadowing 8-
3d6: 17 Thu May 15, 2003 @6:40 PM (PDT)

By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 06:44:59 PM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
You're lucky you can find yourself!
You think you see someone picking up some dropped bundles and the hint of a heel turning down an alley. Taking off in pursuit, you turn down several winding narrow streets, always one turn behind.
Eventually, it comes to a small courtyard and you see your quarry:
It is a young woman, who looks very concerned about being chased. She looks at you in fear and says, "If you touch me, I'll scream." Embarrassment and chagrin immediately cool your blood and along with it comes the realization that you are not sure just how many turns you made...

Don't blame me, blame the dice gods...
By: Rath
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 04:47:20 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
"I-I'm sorry I thought you were someone else. I'm sorry." I turn around and leave the frightened woman alone..oO(Great, now I'm lost and I have nothing to show for it. I'm sure I could ask someone directions to the market square, someone other than the poor girl I just frightened half to death)Rath will try to make his way back to the main gate, if he doesn't see the party there, he'll try to get directions to the market. He'll stay away from guards and ask civilians.
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 07:56:37 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
Huge imposing people who ask directions generally get results. You quickly discover that there is more than one market, but a fishmonger you question mentions a place called "Blue Street" that strikes a chord. Following his directions, you quickly come to a huge plaza. It is mostly open courtyard, but there are many carts and stalls here. Most of them are still setting up.
There is no sign of the cart or the wagon. You do notice something, however. People nod their heads politely as you pass. The shirt may look silly to your barbarian eyes, but it clearly says "status" to the rank-and-file of the city.
RE: (Hero Central: The Savage Earth) Mar
By: Rath
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 08:17:42 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
.oO(So this is how the other half lives.) Rath walks feeling
self-important nodding to passers-by trying to imitate the snooty people
he has seen in the past (typical kid trying to act like an adult).

.oO(Now, I'll have to see if I can find Beka. She's gonna be mad at me
I'll bet)
By: Rath
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 04:48:41 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
OOC: Didn't we talk about you rolling for me? The only person at this whole site that rolls worse than me for my characters is you : D
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, May 16, 2003 07:51:35 AM
Viewable By: Rath, TheGM
OOC: Heh. Just trying to speed things along. I'll use my lucky six-siders next time...
Cripes! The boss is coming!