Deep in the Mansion
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:20:40 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Riccoco, Vagrant, Celeste, Handle, Faliol, TheGM, Nuyok, Cas, Beka
All intial posts for the time being will visible all characters. This is so I can easily add or subtract characters should someone change location. Unless you are addressed in a sub-thread, assume you are not there.
The City of Adala

[EDITED on Tue August 19, 2003 @9:57 AM (PDT)]
New Thread
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 4, 2003 10:27:56 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The old thread was getting a bit long.
Lekchock has just knocked over the barrel and found the grate unliftable. The guard has called out a question about the noise.
Here are some maps:
Throne Mansion
The Cellar
a Cell
Repost from Previous Thread
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 5, 2003 07:25:05 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Nice pit diagram!

Noticing the guard has heard, Nuyok will stand on the stool, and wait for the guard to come near (does the guard have to pass Nuyok's grate to get to Lekchok's?) - if he does, and if the grate has wide enough gaps, Nuyok will attempt to leap up and grab the gate (if necessary), reach an arm through and trip up the guard, if he could do so and the guard would fall in reach of Lekchok's pit possibly.
The guard approaches
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 5, 2003 08:21:10 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The guard comes nowhere near Nuyok's cell. (To do so, he would have to detour nearly six feet out of his way. Besides, even if Nuyok were to be able to leap up and grab something ten feet overhead, stick his hands through the intertices, grab, hold and hang, he could not reach his arm through more than a few inches from the edge of the thick grate.)
Nevertheless, the guard apparently sees the tipped barrel. His light comes from a metal lantern, the type that is so waterproof as to actually continue burning while submersed until the oxygen runs out.
He swears, briefly. "Stay still down there, Monkey-man. If you can climb up here to tip these nails over, maybe you need a bit more... security. He will warily approach the grate if Lekchock is visibly hanging from it, but will roll additional barrels onto it.

Leckchock, you can tell by his movements, that he expects you to leap and grab, and he is prepared for it (full DCV, and situational bonuses) He will position the barrels against each other as to make them practically impossible to tip.
"There. Now if I find one of these out of place, there will be no food for you." His voice is gruff and matter-of-fact. No malice, just a general 'I'm up here and you're down there' world view.

Nuyok, though your spirit sight clearly shows a humanoid who climbs the walls with the ease of a man walking a street, his morphia is odd. Is he riven? It's subtle, somehow. Perhaps when you see him with your eyes it will make more sense.
Jumping Ability
By: Nuyok
Posted: Sunday, September 7, 2003 06:21:11 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Heh, figured I'd post at least a *possible* contingency for Nuyok. ; )

Given the barrel events, Nuyok will continue to rest to recoup his energy, depending on events, and search his pit-cell, looking for perhaps a loose cot leg or chair leg for use as a weapon, or for anything else of interest. Nuyok, after pausing, will also search Rath, for anything of interest.
Same ole'
By: Lekchock
Posted: Sunday, September 7, 2003 08:06:42 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Well frien' look like we be stayin' hea 'while. What's ya name 'an how you know Rath?"

OOC: Just so everyone can get the flavor Lekchock has a cajun accent so that's what I'm trying to accompish with the weird spelling.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 06:22:22 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Rath and I have traveled together for a while. How do YOU know of Rath? And how'd you end up here?"
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 09:58:22 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Well I met da big guy when 'e was chasin' af'er Thorne's henchman. Da henchman led da big guy into a trap and I 'elped him.

"Why I'm here kinda a personal story. He got my father killed and I needed to set things right. Well after I 'elped Rath, one of dem got back up and blindsided me. Now 'ere I am.
Throne & Rath
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 01:03:28 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Interesting, was that in the last day or so, when you met Rath? Why was he after the henchmen then? Know any other way out of here? Know what Throne's plans are?"

[EDITED on Mon September 8, 2003 @5:57 PM (EDT)]
Rath and Thorne
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 05:02:28 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Don' know why Rath was after him really. Jus know looked like he 'ad a serious mad on about 'im.

"As far as Throne's plans, I canna really say. I knows my father din't like 'im, said he was cooked as dey come. He be givin' some local tribes fancy weapons. Weapons that give an edge ov'r other tribes. Father said Thorne was askin' a lot in return for dem weapons yah. Don' know how the tribes are repayin' 'im, but I bet some o' his guards are in return for de weapons."
Looking around
By: TheGM
Posted: Sunday, September 7, 2003 08:17:55 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The furniture is heavy and solid; you would need tools to disassemble it.

Brian, you can list anything Rath would have on him. They would have taken weaponsa nd armor unless the armor functioned as very basic clothing. Ex. the spirit shirt is still there: the helmet has been taken.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 04:48:12 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: That about covers his inventory, he has his shirt, and his shorts.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 8, 2003 06:30:14 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Nuyok will proceed to disassemble the furniture with his trusty Adept "Lumina" army knife! ; )
Looking around
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2003 06:37:55 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok will look around further, trying to glean any additional information about the metal box and well-like pit, and rest a bit longer. If nothing transpires in the meantime, waiting well after Lekchock's activities, then Nuyok will call to the guard, and once he has his attention, he will tell the guard "Rath has passed away, either he or I should be moved."
By: Lekchock
Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2003 07:42:06 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Is there a way I could hide at the top of the cage in the corner so when you look down the cell would look empty? Baring that I guess I hang out and see what they have planned.
More looking
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2003 10:44:00 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok, the cells you are in have drain pipes that lead to the long shaft. The pipes themselves are far to narrow to fit through, but as you scrutinize, you become aware that Lekchock's cell has a hole underneath... sort of.
It appears that there was once a narrow but traversable passage leading from the floor of the cell and sloping slowly downwards towards the deep shaft. The first four feet or so are filled with sand and rubble, so that anyone prying up the flagstone (which is thinner than the others, and set in weak mortar), would believe there to be solid earth beneath.
The obstruction is very short, however and could be quickly cleared. This looks like an emergency escape, should Throne somehow be placed in his own pits.

As for the deep shaft, you can tell littleabout it other than the water is seawater, and it laps.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 06:30:05 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Hey Lekchock, how strong are you? A good climber by chance? If so, I might have an idea, if you are willing to help me out as well. Deal?"

OOC: BTW, I assume it isn't particularly bright in the room above, lit by minor lumina or torches, fair amount of shadows, etc.?
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 08:23:04 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
If you were to extinguish your lumina and the guard were to put out his oil lamp, it would be pitch.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 08:35:44 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"I do awright in wit de climbin', whatchu got in mind?"
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:49:02 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Quietly communicating to Lekchock, "see how well you can explore the bottom of your pit, something may be loose."

If Lekchock does so, and finds such, Nuyok will continue "dig far enough and you may discover access to a tunnel that connects to a well in the next pit." Nuyok will look to see whether there's a grate over the well hole.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 11:00:17 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Lekchock looks around the bottom of his cell for anything loose.Preception 14-
3d6: 7 Wed September 10, 2003 @2:00 PM (EDT)

By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:43:09 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Sure enough. You never would have found it had you not known what to look for. The mortar around one of the flagstones is a slightly different color. A bit of scraping with your hard nails and strong fingers gives you enough of a grip to find that it lifts away with some effort. Below is nothing but dirt. It looks hardpacked, but again Nuyok's advice proves good. After the first couple of inches, it becomes sandy and rubbly, easy to clear away.
You have gone down about a foot, digging silently, and there is a decent pile of debris in your cell. How do you intend to proceed?
Going on
By: Lekchock
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 02:30:25 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
I'll start by putting most of the dirt and stuff under the bed when that gets full I'll just do the best I can hiding it in the corners, and continue to dig.

"I'm doin' awright, 'aven't reached no well yet dough."
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 01:49:52 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Any luck? If you make it up the well, gauge whether you could free me or should try for the guard from surprise. Note, there may be weapons in the pit room across from the well, but since they are crated, it might make too much noise to open."
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 08:38:35 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
After about 4-5 feet of loose packed dirt and rubble, the tunnel suddenly becomes clear. It is a narrow passage, but not so bad that even a large man couldn't pass, crawling on his belly.
At the end is a stone wall. Just before despair strikes, you notice a small leather handle attached the stone with a masonry screws. A hard push pops out the thin facade, and the handle allows you to keep it from falling down the well.
You are looking into a stone lined shaft leading downward. A narrow staircase of wood hugs the edges, spiraling upward and downward from your vantage point. The stairs are less than three feet wide and the shaft is about ten, leaving a four-foot open area in the middle.
All this is only dimly visible because you have been without light for over a day. In fact, much of it is guesswork caused by feeling it out.

Your other senses detect the soft lapping of water from somewhere below, and the distinct smell of the sea.

[EDITED on Wed September 10, 2003 @8:42 PM (PDT)]
Guard is moving
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 08:40:59 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok, your spirit sight detects the guard moving from his vantage point towards the well shaft. He is moving quickly but quietly.

I will judge by the order of posts if you notice this in time to warn Lekchock or initiate some sort of delaying action.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 07:26:30 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok will call out casually to the guard, "Hey guard, I need some help here, Rath's dead." Nuyok will give a moment or two for a response, and to judge whether he's turning toward Nuyok's pit or still heading the same way (is he carrying the lamp?), and if he doesn't appear to change direction or respond, Nuyok will follow up with saying, "It doesn't sound like you're coming this way? I'm over here."
Guard's reactions
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 08:10:15 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The guard stops at your first entreaty. He alters course towards your cell and shines the lantern down into it. He sees Rath's lifeless body and then nods.
"I'll get help," he says in a low whisper, adding a totally unnecessary, "You wait here."
He leaves normal sight view, but you can see him hesitate before going back to the stairs. He climbs nearly to the top and yells upward, "You guys finished with the bodies yet? We got the riven to add to the mess."
You hear a muffled response from above, but it is impossible to resolve.
More Spirit Peeping
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 07:53:57 PM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The guard makes a short circuit of the central cellar and then does something along the "north" wall. He appears to have moved slightly away from his lantern and is standing nearby it, near the third pillar from the right (not including the engaged one).
Lekchock in the meantime has slowly ascended the pit and is at floor level.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 06:33:41 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Presumably the gurad is not doing anything overt, like opening a crate, but rather something more covert, like exploring a secret compartment?

Nuyok will figure Lekchock has the wherewithal to see the lamp has moved, and thus the guard as well.
Guard Inaction
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 08:00:57 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
The guard appears to be standing there, not doing much of anything.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:27:34 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
"Hey guard, so are they coming to get Rath or what?," Nuyok will call out (so Lekchock will hear). "What are you, on break or something?"
Sounds in the darkness
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 08:16:09 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
While feeling about in the dark, you hear Nuyok's voice call out, "Hey guard, I need some help here, Rath's dead."You are pretty sure you hear a response, and a few seconds later you more clearly hear the guard shouting from far away. He is saying something about bodies and riven and a mess.
A few seconds later you can see a dim glow above, outlining the top of the pit. It is not as if someone were shining a light downwards, but there is definitely more light now than there was a moment ago.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 09:32:16 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
I'll climb the stairs as quietly as I can, if they start to make too much noise or they seem unstable I'll take to the wall. I want to get high enough to see but want to stay out of any light.

Stealth 15-
3d6: 13 Thu September 11, 2003 @12:32 PM (EDT)
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 03:00:07 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
The stairs are heavy and firm. You have to work slowly to avoid creaking, but you are experienced in climbing. As you get close to the top, it becomes apparent that someone (the guard) is shining his lantern directly at the mouth of the pit.
There are a lot of intervening pillars, so you feel it unlikely that he can see the entire mouth unless he is standing very close.
Risking it, you poke your head slowly above the lip just to the evel of your eyes. A shadow falls across you, which makes you hopeful that there is a pillar between you and the lantern's holder. It is hard to tell however, for there is a forest of pillars and you are looking directly into a light. However, after a few moments, no alarm is raised and you become confident you are unseen.
You believe the guard to be in the direction of the stairs, but howfar in that direction, you cannot tell.

How is your clinging power defined? Is it nails wedgining into near-invisible cracks (like a sqirrel), or a gecko-like suction ability. I ask so I will know what you will logically be able to climb and what would be dificult. The way I am reading ii righ now, it allows you o climb anything that is reasonably climbable without requiring a climbing roll, i.e. automatic success. I don't see it as allowing yout o climb sheer marble, glass or a wet mossy wall. Correct me if you see it otherwise.
Peeking farther
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 05:36:44 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
It is defined as finding cracks and climbing. Also having feet almost as useful as hands helps. I was going to put more limits on the Clinging like only as a certain angle, but then I thought about hanging upside down from trees and things. So basically if a monkey wtih the strength and intelligence of a man couldn't climb it then I couldn't either."I'll try to climb slowly out of the well and hide behind a pillar to get a better view of who's where. If there is one or two guard peeking down an open pit, I'll try to come up behind him and push him/them in as long as no other guards would see me. Otherwise I'll wait for what I see to decide a course of action.

Stealth 15-
3d6: 15 Thu September 11, 2003 @8:36 PM (EDT)

Concealment 12-
3d6: 13 Thu September 11, 2003 @8:36 PM (EDT)
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 05:38:29 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM


Stealthing about
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 11, 2003 07:50:45 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
Don't worry about being stealthy. I usually discount player rolls on this anyway. I, the GM, roll in secret so you, the player, don't know if you have been successful or not. As far as you know, no one has shouted an alarm.

Lekchock, you pull yourself slowly out of the pit. There is no one standing at the edge. The light comes from some distance across the room. You place yourself in a shielded position and take a breath. Your back is against some heavy 2 x 8 rough-hewn boards that form the partition between this bay and the next.

OK, on the cellar map, you are in the lower rightmost bay, the one marked "Y". The partitions between bays are boards set in grooves along the pillars. They appear to be arranged this way so that bays can be doubled or tripled in size as needed, just by removing boards. The light is coming from somewhere along the "north" of the map, so that the lamp can shine into the bay. It is coming in from somewhat of an angle however, so that the "southwest" corner of the bay is unlit. This is the board wall you are hugging. By leaving the bay, you will almost certainly come into view... if someone is looking.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 10:21:09 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
I'll move to the south wall and slide the bottom boards out just enough to first peek, and if I don't see anything and the boards don't make a lot of noise moving then I'll try to slip though and put the boards back the way they were and keep going on down the line until I determine that there are bad guys around.
Over the top
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 03:01:52 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
The boards lift out and lay one upon another, so you will need to start at the top. Fortunately, this is no problem for your skills. Peeking over the top gap, you can see into the next bay. You presume this is the one you were held in. Going over is difficult and slow, due to the need for absolute silence.
Nevertheless you make it to the next bay and are about to look into the subsequent one (probably containing Nuyok) when suddenly more lamps appear on the stairs!

New arrivals
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 12, 2003 03:10:47 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Hey guard, so are they coming to get Rath or what?," Nuyok will calls out. "What are you, on break or something?"
This call comes as Leckchock is sneaking from the farthest bay to the next.
The guard remains silent, however, ignoring the adept. As Lekchock scampers across and to the top of the next bay's partition, more lamps suddenly appear on the stairs!
More guards are coming into the cellar.
Lekchock darts to the back corner, staying high and small. Neither of you has a good vantage point, but you can hear the interchange.
"You got everyone?"
"Yeah, it was a reaving bitch though. We threw knucks to see who would fish Kar's head outta the fountain. Stinking four-armed twisto."
"Well, you'll be glad to hear the freak went cold. His keeper just asked to have the stiff taken away."
"Helldogs! You mean we have to carry that thing out of the pit?"
"Nah, we'll lower a rope down and haul him out. The witch can truss him."
Pause for player actions/reactions
Guards present?
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, September 13, 2003 03:13:23 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok will remain passive, trying to observe how many guards are present for Rath's retrieval, and their condition.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Saturday, September 13, 2003 07:15:09 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
I'll stay in the shadows and see how many guards there are and how they position themselves. If worse comes to worst then I'll just wait until they leave and let my fellow prisoner out when they leave.
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, September 15, 2003 11:49:26 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The guards appear to be carrying bags of human remains. Nuyok would recognize them as the slain guards from earlier, could he see them properly. They begin moving the remains to the pit at the SE corner.
They grumble as they do so. "Demon-Kings! Kar was worth ten witches. Serve that riven freak right if he was croaked."
"Know what you mean. Still, he can go with Kar's body and serve him in the Black Forest."
"Idiot, He slew Kar. Other way 'round."
"Don't care what priests say. No riven is going to lord it over a true man."
"You're both fools. Riven don't even go to the Black Forest. They just... disappear."
"What? Into thin air?"
"No stupid, their spirits just go away."
"Well, I don't care about that, I care about how heavy these bodies are."
"We'll use the winch. Tides on the way out, so we can move 'em almost immediately."
"Now you're talking. Now, on the subject of riven disappearing, let's get that nasty job over with."

The four guards move over toward Nuyok's cell. So far, they do not seem to have noticed Lekchock in the adjoining bay.

"Hey witch! Head's up, and no tricks. We're coming to clean out your room."
Cleaning Time
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 06:29:17 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok glares at the guards, and says "Be done with it quickly, else I'll ensorcel you."
Waiting Game
By: Lekchock
Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 02:42:14 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Lekchock will wait for the guards to lift the gate and then try to rush them and knock at least one if not two into the pit with Nuyok. He then plans on running back towards the well shouting about escaping down the well figuring he's much faster than any startled guards (9" Running and 8 1/2" leaping) when/if he gets to the dark corner where the well is, instead of going down He'll try to hide in a corner by the celling so when the guards look down the well he'll push one or two more in the well.
Keep in mind...
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 11:17:09 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
They are armed and armored and you are not.There are four of them and there are several lanterns available, including one set to shine on the pit.
Are you set on this plan?
By: Lekchock
Posted: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 04:49:47 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
After further consideration, I think I'll wait a little longer and see what happens.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 09:17:24 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Wise move young grasshopper ; )

Nuyok will remain passive, though threatening during the Rath removal, to ensure the guards are focused on him rather than Lekchock, but no so much so that they try to stick him.
Removing the Body
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 18, 2003 08:44:57 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Two guards remain with the body bags, while three proceed to Nuyok's cell. From his hiding place, Leckchock can peek through the cracks and see one of them grab a large wooden pole from near a pillar. He pushes it between grate and fulcrum and heaves. The others muscle it backward and up. There is no way one person could lift the grate without a lever. The whole process makes considerable noise as well.
One of the guards goes to the last bay (the one with the pit) and fetches a rope. He pauses for a moment by Leckchock's cell, but does not appear to notice the prisoner in his hiding place.
The rope is tied into a loop and the end is passed down to Nuyok.
"OK, Witch-man. Pass that round your pet." Their attention is definitely fixed on the task at hand while they grunt and heave the body upwards. Once done, they quickly replace the grate with a heavy slam.
The guards are about to make off with the body, when the one who seemed to be more theologically aware says, "Wait."
"Hey, Witch. We're going to get ridof his body. You got any words you wanna say?"
The others swear a bit at the delay, but seem curious enough to wait.
Words to Say
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 19, 2003 07:53:07 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"All that needs to be said has already been said about Rath. There are a few choice words for Throne and Jonnit, however," Nuyok hisses.
Down the hole
By: TheGM
Posted: Saturday, September 20, 2003 12:43:18 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The original guard says, "You want to be careful down there, I thought I heard something. Didn't see anything though."

The others look at him for a moment. "Did you go look?"

"I shined the lantern on it, but didn't see anything. Then you lot came down."

"Helldogs! Alright, let's check it out."

Two guards go down the stairs. "No, it's clear to the water. Hurry up, before the tide cuts us off."

The bodies are carried one by one to the shaft. Here they are lowered by winch. The sounds from the bottom are too muffled to make out, but there appears to be some kind of activity going on. At length, the two remaining guards put away the winch and the rope. The original guard makes to stay, but the one who asked about final words asks to relieve him.

"Sure. I owe you one, Gern."

"Just report to the boss before you go off duty."

The remaining guard takes up the lantern and begins to make a detailed circuit of the cellar, starting with the NE corner and sorking counterclockwise. With the level of scrutiny he is showing, it would be very unlikely Leckchock can remain undiscovered where he is.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 06:32:22 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Hey guard, what exactly are you doing with those bodies? I hope you are not desecrating them by your handling. How you treat the dead is how your soul will be treated in the afterlife."

Nuyok tries to make out with spirit sight what happens to the bodies, whether simply lowered and wash away or are being feasted on, etc., to the extent he's able to given the thickness of the ground...
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 08:12:40 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The guard calls back, "The dead are Hill Tribe, even the twisted one. What do you know of our ways?" This did not sound particularly maliscious, just sort of an off-hand answer as he continues his search.

As for the bodies, they went down some distance (over 60 feet at least) and then moved away. The two guards who went down also moved in the same direction. Oddly, they moved as a unit, not as individuals.
One Guard?
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 02:36:48 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Is there only one guard present now?
Lone Guard
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 06:31:21 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
There were four guards during the body disposal. Two left down the pit somewhere. The original guard went to report to Throne, leaving the present guard alone in the cellar. He seems to be more torough and less lazy than the original. A bit brighter too, perhaps.

(BTW, Lekchock, GM suggestions are only suggestions. Feel free to disagree. However, 1:1 sounds a lot better than 4:1, even with surprise. : )
Also, if you're feeling lucky, there a large number of pillars in the room. It is possible you could move about with a good stealth roll and remain undetected. BTW, he is checking in each pit as he passes.)
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 07:44:10 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: I did miscount the number of guards (I'm from Florida what do you expect?)

I'll try to make it to a pillar.
Guard circuit
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 08:08:45 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Flitting stealthily through the shadows, Leckchock slides behind a nearby pillar. Holding his breath, he waits as the guard works his way around the room. The mercenary axeman reaches Nuyok's cell and briefly shines a light in. Satisfied that nothing "funny" is going on, he continues onward. He is now approaching Lekchock's empty cell and about to point the lantern into it.

Quick description. Unlike Rath, these hill tribers seem to favor a large one-handed axe over Rath's two-handed hacker. He has had this out the entire time. In his other hand he holds a lantern. He has a small amount of studded leather armor. He moves like he is expecting something to be amiss. Remember, the first guard warned them about a noise he heard from the direction of the pit.
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 08:37:01 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Any reactions? I'll assume you guys are paralyzed by indecision by this evening. : )
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 09:31:46 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Is there any rope that I could use around or a large club-like object? As he is peering into my cell I'll come up from behind and either put the rope around his throat or brain him with an object, or try to use my arm from behind to choke him.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 12:34:50 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: Nuyok's tried his distraction attempt, not much else he can do under the circumstances ; )

Nuyok will continue to observe the situation, and if the guard closes in on Lekchock's location, or as he approaches Lekchock's pit, Nuyok will again try to distract, calling out "Hey guard, what do I have to do to get some water around here?"
Struggles in the dark
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 02:16:43 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
As the guard leans in over Leckchock's cell, the prisoner takes the only thing at hand, a short length of board, and swings while leaping from the shadows. At the same instant, Nuyok calls out, "Hey guard, what do I have to do to get some water around here?"

Though the guard is obviously ready for combat, the one-two effect causes him a brief moment of indecision. Leckchock's board smacks across the back of his neck.
The guard is tough however, and brings his hand axe around -- missing the mutant by a hair's width.
Leckchock counters by driving the butt end of the board into the man's gut, causing him to lose his breath and stagger backwards.
The guard is defensive, and groping for his whistle. He is obviously straining to breathe in.
As he raises the whistle, Leckchock brings the board down "crack!" across the man's arm. The guard crumples in pain and his head hits the stone floor with another "crack". He lies still.

His lamp rolls to a stop, still lit. (Merikian lamps are very well made). The tomahawk-styled axe also lies near his motionless fingers.

The fight was rather quiet, but no fight is abslutely silent. You do not know if anyone heard; you may only have moments to act.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 04:34:39 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
By "Tomohawk Style" does that mean it is a small hand ax that can be thrown? In any case I'll pick up the Ax.

I'll go for the leaver and try jummping up and down on it trying to raise the gate. If I can raise it enough I'll try to throw the ax towards the hinges to prop the door open enough to get Nuyok out.
Grate problems
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, September 25, 2003 09:08:08 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Yes, I have decided the primary weapons favored by hill-tribers are the Tomohawk (I am using the stats for a Francisca), and a long chopping knife similar to a machete (probably use the short sword figures). Rath used a honking two-handed great axe because he had arms to spare and it looked cool in the pits.
Jumping up and down is not needed. One person can shift the heavy grate. The second person is needed in order to flop the grate over on its hinges. Still, Leckchock manages to get the grate up about 10 inches or so, the limit of the leaver. Taking the axe in hand, he tosses it sideways along the gap, hoping to wedge it in place and prevent the grate from dropping.

5, 6, 6
STUN: 17 BODY: 5
ouch. sorry.

The weapon is unfamiliar for so difficult a maneuver and instead...
1=good result, 6=bad:
ouch, sorry again...

The axe sinks into the bottom of the wooden grate. It is too far up for Nuyok to jump and catch, placed too awkwardly to draw it through the grate, and too far back towards the hinges to reach it from the side.
Looking about desparately, for lifting the grate has made some noise, Leckchock's eyes rivet on one of the other levers. It seems every alternate bay has one. It will mean letting the grate down, but there is no other way.
Moving as quickly, but as quietly as possible...

Stealth 15- with skill levels:
1, 5, 6
STUN: 12 BODY: 3
yeah! You've broken Rath's curse!

... the grate slides down as quietly as can be expected. It probably was not audible upstairs. Leckchock levers the grate up and is about to manually slide the second lever into a good wedge position, when suddenly a voice sounds at the top of the stairs, "Charn? What's going on down there? There's nosers at the front gate. Roll some barrels over the witch's cell and get on duty... Charn?"
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2003 06:36:25 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok calls out in his best hill tribe imitation "Yeah, be right there," gruffly.

OOC: Any useful skill? Conversation 11-?

Die roll as needed:
3d6: 5, 3, 6 (STUN: 14, BODY: 4) Fri September 26, 2003 @9:36 AM (EDT)
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, September 26, 2003 08:05:09 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
There is a brief pause.
"All right then. We'll see you on the grounds."
Silence follows.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 10:00:08 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"I don' believe you fooled dem, we gotsta hurry"

Lekchock will try to find a piece of the board he used to bash the guard, and try the same trick

To Hit spot with the board
3d6: 5 Sun September 28, 2003 @1:00 PM (EDT)
By: Nuyok
Posted: Sunday, September 28, 2003 02:48:42 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Presumably there is nothing Nuyok can stand on to reach the grate, but presumably if a board were passed through the gap, Nuyok could use it to push up on the grate from below while Lekchock works from above. If so, Nuyok will suggest it.
Grate open
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, September 29, 2003 08:49:38 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Just as Nuyok is about to make his suggestion, the grate creaks open again and a board slams into place. Leckchock immediately begins to lift the grate. Though he does it slowly and carefully, there is unavoidable noise.

Stealth 13+2 (SL) -5(Mod) = 10-
2, 5, 2

Awesome. It really is a noisy grate.

The grate is not noiseless. It can't be, without oiling. But nevertheless, Leckchock heaves it open with as little creaking as possible. There is no sound form upstairs. Nuyok stands down below. There are any number of ways to get him out; I will assume success. Nuyok stands on the cellar floor with Lechock.
Now what?
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 29, 2003 09:31:45 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"We might could make it down da well before da tide come in, not sure how far we might have to go underwater doh. Be better den tryin' to make it past dem guards doh."
Down the well
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, September 29, 2003 01:10:15 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Down the well sounds ideal to me as well, keep an eye out as to how the bodies disappeared."

OOC: Was there a stairwell or ladder down the side of the well, if I recall?

Nuyok takes a moment to look with spirit sight toward the entrance for approaching guards...

PER, 13-
3d6: 4, 5, 1 (STUN: 10, BODY: 2) Mon September 29, 2003 @4:10 PM (EDT)

...and if nothing very imminent, says to Lekchock "I'm checking out the box in the corner for weapons quickly though, just in case," and moves to the crate in corner previously noticed that may contain such, taking the lever or board as necessary for prying the crate open.
Crate and Well
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 12:16:02 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok, your sirit sight detects a number of people moving above. The floor is too thick and the distance too great to make out details, but you will shortly have company.

Opening the crate will definitely take time. It is nailed shut securely. You estimate that you cannot open it before they get here. However, your spirit sight detects that it is indeed filled with weapons. Some are swords, but the majority are steel axes in the shape of the ones the Hill Tribers carry.

Leckchock gestures that Nuyok has no time to be staring at a wooden box! With a hasty look back, the two of you run towards the well. As you fly down the stairs the cellar erupts with noise:
"This way!"
"Gern is down!"
"The witch is loose!"
"Kill him! Kill him!"
Pounding down the stairs, you reach the bottom about 40-50 feet down. There is an underground grotto filled with seawater. A narrow landing shows signs of a boat tie-off but no boat. A low tunnel leads away, obviously a passage for watercraft. above, you can hear booted feet starting down the stairs.
Swim for it!
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 06:46:56 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
With no other evident path to take, Nuyok says "can you swim?," and proceeds to dive into the water unless held up by Lekchock.
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, September 30, 2003 10:34:50 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
The two escapees listen to the sounds from above. They will shortly be out numbered, out-armed and out-armored. Besides that, the foe will have the high ground. Without a second thought, they cut the water cleanly. Were it not for Nuoyk's lumina, this would require an act of supreme will, for the water is dark and of questionable depth and current.
If any of you has gone caving in a flooded cave, you will understand. I've gone boating DownThere, and I wouldn't advise even doing that without a good light...

There is little current to speak of and the two strike out downthe tunnel. Behind them the guards reach the landing. Here is where armor becomes a disadvantage. The guards hesitate, and then finally the leader shouts, "You will never make it past the Guardian! Return and you may go back to your cells without harm!"
A second, barely audible voice replies, "What are you talking about? Th--" The voice is cut off with a hiss from the first.

You swim like mad until the tunnel bends enough to hide you from sight. Though there is the occasional shallow spot beneath you, the cave goes both up and down in many branches. Often the floor disappears entirely, with only a black shaft going down to unimaginable depths where anything might lurk.
For some time (and the going is slow), there is only one obvious boat path.Eventually, you run into the inevitable fork in the river. Both branches look equally passable, even to the extent of Nuyok's spirit sight. One goes left, the other right.

OK, this is really creepy, even with the light. With no knowledge of what might be lurking in the dark (monsters, gators, guardians or booby traps) or where the water is heading, the cave is a scary place.
Also, please check your inventory and realistically appraise what you might be able to swim with under these conditions.

Going forward
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2003 07:36:55 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok gathers his courage, and in an effort to bolster Lekchock's resolve, says "let's go right, it's better than going the wrong way."

OOC: IIRC, Nuyok has nothing but the clothes on his back, lumina, and maybe a few coins in a neckpouch, so weight shouldn't be a concern...

Nuyok will have his full spirit sense (13-) and detect hostile intent (11-)active.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2003 09:36:49 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Lekchock is prety much bare except for a loin cloth.
and an axe
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2003 09:48:52 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
I presume...
GM Help
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, September 22, 2003 09:28:42 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
OOC: In the future remind me not to listen to the GM's adivce. If the GM had said "Are you sure you want to attack? I mean there are four heavily armed guards, but they are all distracted picking up dead bodies, you could always wait until they were actively seaching for you before you attacked," then I would definately wouldn't have gone with the distracted guards option.

Lekchock will do his best to stay hidden. Once found, he will try to make it to the well and climb down where the guards have to climb down to get at him.
The long swim
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, October 1, 2003 10:22:43 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
At first, the right hand passage seems fine. After a time, you begin to feel a current. Unfortunately, it is pushing against you. You eventually realize that it is unlikely a bout would come out at the sea by going upstream. The water you started in was seawater. Before you are tired out, you realize you must backtrack.
This is more difficult than it looks, since the path is never straight and there are many false branches. However, you eventually make it back to the first branch and head left. Twice, Nuyok's spirit sight discovers booby traps. These are deadfalls on trip-wires. Easy to avoid if you know where they are.
After a long time you begin to get tired. This is when you encounter the Gator. He's a big one, mean and tough-looking, holding a sharp spear. He rests in a hollow of the rock just where the passage narrows. Only the adept's ability to see through the rock walls has alerted you before you are spotted.
The gator lies 95% submerged, with the spearhead sticking out of the water. There is no place to stand and he has every advantage but surprise.
The water here is about fifteen feet deep on the average. The ceiling of the cavern about 6 feet up. Leckchock could climb the walls, but would need to go slowly due to extreme slipperiness and general exhaustion.
There are some sub-branches of the tunnel here, but they are too twisty to tell where they lead, even by spirit sight.

Cavern (Darkness indicates general depth of water, possibly underwater tunnels. Dotted lines indicate branches in the roof of the cavern.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2003 06:53:24 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Ho there," Nuyok whispers to Lekchock, "there's a spear armed Gator ahead around the bend to the right in an alcove. As tired and minimally armed as we are, and since we're in his element, I'd rather avoid it if possible. Got any ideas? We could try to lure it back here, and have you up in the cavern nook or branch above to spring on him if he appears violent, as expected. Or you could try to see if the cavern branch above connects somewhere past him so we could avoid him altogether."
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2003 11:08:41 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"How you know what's around da next corner anyhow? If it's a gator like you say, I don' tink he's der for da fish. Might be dat guardian dey were talking 'bout"
Around the corner
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, October 3, 2003 07:46:42 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"I see pretty good. Could be the guardian, but I think that was just a trick by them. Regardless, I'd pretty to avoid it or to take it by surprise if it shows agression. Can you climb into the ceiling recess and explore whether it extends very far, perhaps circumventing the Gator? If so, great, but if not, it could at least serve as a perch for you to jump him if when I lure him this way and he shows himself to be violent. Thoughts?"
By: Lekchock
Posted: Friday, October 3, 2003 12:19:53 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
.oO(See pretty good? I do too an' I don' see no Gator, suptin' not right 'ere)

"Awright I'll check the celing see if ders a way out"

Lekchock moves to the walls and begins climbing slowly, but deftly towards one of the recesses
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, October 3, 2003 03:41:01 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Nuyok finds a ledge where his feet can get purchase. The water is cool but not cold, fortunately. Leckchock's hands and feet(!) grasp the tiniest of crevices and outcroppings and he hauls himself out of the water and up the cavern wall. It's uncanny how he almost clings to the wall like a lizard.
Leckchock, you climb up into the upper recesses and quickly plunge into utter darkness. The only light had been coming from the crystal around Nuyok's neck. After fumbling around in the darkness for a while, it becomes apparent that without light you would quickly become lost or injured.
After some thought it occurs to you that you will need to travel together.
Getting Nuyok out of the water and into the upper caverns is no easy task. By combining straps and strips of clothing, the adept is hauled upward. Slowly the pair of you make your way through twisting catacombs. It takes Nuyok's sight and Leckchock's climbing, neither of you would have made it separately.
Eventually after seeming hours Nuyok announces that the surface is very close above them. The ground here is more soil than rock and long tree roots hang into the cavern like strands of a giant's hair. After some investigation, Nuyok finds the spot to dig. After an interminable time, the two of you break surface about three yards from the trunk of a great tree growing out of a steep hillside. You both tumble down the embankment and lie exhausted and spent.
After a while, you both feel recovered enough to lift your heads. The dim light of dawn greets your eyes. You are in broad rolling farmlands, near the shallow cliffs that form the shores of Adala. There are workers visible, and a dirt road winds nearby. There is foot and wagon traffic on the road.
Free at last, free at last..
By: Lekchock
Posted: Friday, October 3, 2003 05:20:59 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Never tought I'd see da jungle again." Lekchock lays on his back for a few more minutes staring at the sky trying to get his breathing back to normal.

"We need to come up wit a better plan if we goin' to get Thorne. He got a lot of people loyal, especially dem Hill Tribes. Does weapons he make gives dem a big advantage too. You got any ideas True Sight?"
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 07:27:17 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"What weapons are you talking about?"
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 07:39:58 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
OOC: I wanted to make sure I wasn't using OOC Knowledge here: Lekchock is aware that the weapons that Thorne has are way above the kind that are usually around, also the hatchet that Lekchock has is of the high quality right?
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 07:58:06 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
Both are true. The folks who have seen the weapons are not military or weapons buffs, so they might not realize the difference, but you are aware that the axe you are holding is better than Hill Tribe make. You are also aware that Throne paid off your usurper with gold and weapons.
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 07:59:18 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, TheGM
It's "Throne" not "Thorne". : )
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 08:52:18 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"Throne is givin' Hill Tribes and others, weapons much better den dey make demselves." Lekchock stops talking and his face contorts into one of rage, "Da cost is steep dough, makes people do crazy things to afford dem."
Lekchock Continues
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 08:55:05 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
Lekchock's face goes from rage to an almost evil smile, "I got one of dem weapons now. Now we on equal footin' "
Special Weapons?
By: Nuyok
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 10:39:26 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
What's so special about these weapons?"
Don' Know
By: Lekchock
Posted: Monday, October 6, 2003 11:05:36 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM
"I'm no weapon maker, but dey sharp and balanced, take a look at da ax it got wit dem 'good eyes' you got True Sight"

Lekchock holds the ax out to Nuyok for examination.
Cripes! The boss is coming!