The Rescue
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 08:10:42 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, Riccoco, Celeste, Faliol, Cas, Vagrant, TheGM, Handle, Beka, Lekchock
The City of Adala
This thread should cover leaving the city.
Who goes where? and Ken't plan (realisti
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 08:26:36 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Chime in folks. I need to know who is going where. Some are spoken for.

Riccoco and Faliol need to cover their contact before leaving.
Cas will need to drive the cart through the main gate. Kent and Jareek will need to do likewise.
Leckchock will be very helpful in getting through the jungle with Celeste.

Vagrant, Nuyok, Beka, Handle are unspoken for. Who is going after Celeste and who is taking the wagons out?

Finally, Kent suggests sensibly that it will take a long time to get Celeste through the Jungle. And it could not be done overnight in the pitch black. Faliol thinks it will take them all day to get from one gate to the other through uncut jungle. Finally, the Guards will surely be suspicious of merchants leaving the city after midnight.
One more day in the city to try and sell wares and then leaving the following morning with Celeste and rescuers camping in the wilds twice (once the night of the rescue, and once after hacking through the jungle all day). This would allow you all to leave in the morning without suspicion and give you one last chance at profit.
Are there any objections to his plan and who is going on the rescue?
At the least
By: Riccoco
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 08:42:58 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Faliol and Ricco need to head to meet up with Angilak. I'm guessing it would be best if we went with the Merchant group, too. I think it may leave us short-handed for the Big Sister rescue, though...

In all honesty, Ricco at least, should be in the merchant group.
Et Tu
By: Cas
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 06:11:45 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Not to mention the fact that ANY beast leaving on the Mingtok road would be a tiny bit suspicious. If there is one city that hates Beasts more than Adala it is Mingtok. Therefore, Cas will not be participating in the rescue. She will give Celeste's Friendship Knot to Nuyok to deliver to Celeste and let her know that we are waiting.
By: Lekchock
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 09:40:32 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Lekchock knowing nothing about merchant things and knowing a lot about going through the jungle will volunteer for the rescue party.
By: Vagrant
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 08:12:14 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Vagrant does his best to make his voice sound less then sickly, "Things like this are what I lived for...trained for. That was a long time ago but I could be of use again. I'm in for the rescue if you will have me."
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 07:46:56 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
"So, it looks to be Lekchcock, Vagrant, and myself as rescuers. Am I missing anyone?"
Conflicted fox kit
By: Faliol
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 03:54:44 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Faliol looks at Kent (his boss), Miss Beka (caravan leader), and Ricco (his best friend) in turn.

He looks and feels conflicted, yet stays silent.

.oO(So many different obligations, fulfilling one means neglecting others...)
The plan
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 10:25:28 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
The plan as stated sounds good, with the extra day for the caravaners to take care of business, and to secure return trade goods. Nuyok plans to go to get Celeste, perhaps per the response to Beka in the previous thread (i.e., have everyone ahead on the path for a surprise ambush, while approaching them alone to see if they are "in" on the deal and simply release her without needing the ambush).
Stay with wagons
By: Handle
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 03:55:27 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
"I will stay with the wagons and merchants. But I was wondering if you will need to cut a path through the jungle. Can't you just make your way around the city through the surrounding farmlands? Most of them are worked by beasts and the city guard doen'st spend alot of time there. You may make better time staying near the farms jsut inside the jungle when posible."
Outside the gate
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 07:02:56 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: I was wondering the same thing, I ddin't think the gate/walls were directly up against the jungle, since that wouldn't provide much security/warning against invaders...
Yes and no
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 08:17:05 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: I don't have the time to draw a map at the moment, but it is (conditionally) possible. The order moving outward from the center is city, walls (one gate), farmlands, picket (two gates to your knowledge), swath of cleared land, jungle.

My assumption was that you would go through the farmlands and leave the picket through the Mingatok gate. Then lay in wait somewhere well away from the picket so that any shouting would not draw attention and there would be less chance of happenstance discovery.

Circling through the farmlands would still
There is a swath of cleared land between picket and jungle but it is patrolled by riders on horseback from just inside the picket and possibly outside as well. You don't have enough information on that.

You could travel from the Mingatok Road to the Lizard Road through the swath, but you would almost certainly be spotted. You could skirt the edge of the jungle, just outside the swath, but the jungle is still difficult to pass. None of you has travelled that area, so the advantages and disadvantages are mostly guesswork. Finally, if Adala is anything like Tallon, some sentinels are also adepts, who would be better able to see through foliage and other cover.

Jungle Penetration
By: Nuyok
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 08:31:29 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: Thanks for the info, helps a lot!

"We can try to pass through the swath outside the picket along the edge of the jungle and into the jungle as necessary to avoid patrols and watchful adepts, the latter of which might require greater jungle penetration to avoid their spirit sight."
OOC: Savage Earth Porn Channel
By: Riccoco
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 08:59:40 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
That brings Beastly Tail Fetishes to a close, faithful viewers...

Tune in next week for interracial intercourse entitled Jungle Penetration, here on Savage Earth Porn Channel!

Where Beasts are Beasts... And the world is a Savage Place!
Deeper into the Jungle
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 07:23:43 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: I was wondering if anyone was going to "take it" that way ; )
By: Beka
Posted: Tuesday, December 2, 2003 08:38:36 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
Do I think I have any chance of securing return cargo in one day? If so, I will merchant, if not, I will rescue.
Return cargo
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2003 08:18:40 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
One day is better than none, so yes, it would be better profit-wise to wait in the city.
Map Update
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 12:26:54 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Celeste, Faliol, Handle, Lekchock, Nuyok, Riccoco, TheGM, Vagrant
The map has been updated. Hopefully this will eliminate any remaining confusion. Please be aware, this is a quickie job and is not to scale, nor does it show any non-essential points of interest. For instance, no Hertz rental agencies are indicated.
Approaching Agilak
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 08:38:03 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
When the morning comes (You of course, have no idea at this point how the Celeste rescue is going). You may approach the brewery where Angilak can be found. The great bear is easily found. He is practicing with a throwing axe against a target set against a large tree. As you approach, you can see that he is not alone. There is a human with him. To your dismay, he is a barbarian of some type. His style of dress seems remininscent of the ones who fought with Throne, but not identical.
The axe is also different from the ones Throne provided. Nevertheless, he is almost certainly Hill Tribe. Angilak looks up as you approach and waves you over.
"Hola! Esteemed comrades! Come forward and partake of this most excellent and useful pastime. A copper a throw, and closest to the mark takes the pot."
Well met, Teddy
By: Faliol
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 03:57:53 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"Well met, Angilak! I fear that I would certainly lose, since my skill at throwing axes is lackluster. Now, if you would care to shoot arrows, I might be interested?"
Greed vs cowardice
By: Riccoco
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 07:10:03 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Ricco's eyes set to sparkling to degree recently unseen. Then, they narrow as they flick over the Hill Tribesman. The gears start turning.

.oO(Angilak be knowin' what the hold-up be. Now, he be here with one o' that lot. What be his game? Ol' Ricco may be a bit over his head. Let's be hopin' he still be havin' after this mess... a copper a throw...?)

Certain to decline the offer, Riccoco surprises himself when he replies, "Ol' Bandit be needin' a throw or two. It only be a penny, a right?" He nudges Faliol playfully with his elbow.
Well met indeed
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 07:26:24 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Angilak replies to Faliol first, "Good friend, while it is a wise beast who knows his own limitations, those who fail to grasp the opportunity to grow and to acquire new faculties are doomed to languish in contented and deserved mediocrity.
"The pittance of a wager is there to add savor to the feast of education. Archery we shall try another day, to be sure."
He turns to Riccoco after the racoon has spoken. "Ah bandit, the great heart of the one who risks is also the heart of the one who will achieve. The pot lies yon, ready for your generous copper. Take your throw!"
Without further ado
By: Riccoco
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 07:48:47 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
The plucky 'coon nods, a wide grin splitting his muzzle. He trundles over to the pot, slipping a worn coin purse from inside a pouch at his belt. He pulls a few coppers from it dropping one into the pot and the others in a neat pile. "Guard sentry over the coins, eh Red?" He winks at the Bear and Hillman. "Hate to have my hard earned winnings bein' taken from me 'fore they even be in my pocket!"

He takes the axe from the bear frowning under the weight of it. "This be an axe o' a differen' color then the ones o' the Lake! Might be havin' to toss it two-handed!" He flips it over a couple of more times.

Finally closing one eye, Riccoco leanes back and lets heave!

OCV 6 +1 All Combat (and set/braced bonuses)
3d6: 13 Fri December 5, 2003 @9:48 AM (CST)

OOC: Crosses fingers.
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 09:46:46 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
The axe goes hurtling towards the tree, but far too high. It neatly passes through the overhead foliage and lands on the ground ten yards past the tree. The barbarian retrieves it. "Not terribly impressive," sniff Angilak, "but neither is it an embarrassing shot for one unused to such weapons. With practice and application, you may yet achieve a degree of mastery. Watch Nitoba."
The barbarian, presumablu Nitoba, lets fly at the mark.
3d6: 8 Fri December 5, 2003 @9:46 AM (PST)
Angilak's turn
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 09:48:52 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"Well done friend!" rumbles the great bear. He turns to the beasts. "Of course, Nitoba teethed on a blunt axe as a baby." He gives a broad wink, retrieves the axe and hefts it casually towards the tree.
3d6: 12 Fri December 5, 2003 @9:48 AM (PST)
Squeeze a tale
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 09:57:38 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"Hmmm, not as good as I would have hoped."
Nitoba retrieves the axe. It has not hit the mark, but it has buried itslef so deeply in th tree he needs to brace with his foot to remove it. He turns to Angilak, "It would not have hit your enemy's heart," he says in a deep voice, "but it would have severed any body part it did hit," he grins, "and possibly killed hte man behind him."
Angilak rumbles a chuckle. "Ah, but this is not contest of mortal skills, merely an innocent wager. Collect you pot o, barbarian warrior and drink well with it. I believe you are up..."
"Nineteen pieces of silver, o generous bear."

This appears to finish the contest. "Red, perhaps we may yet have that contest of archery, though I am afraid I will need to procure a bow as well-crafted as yours, yet suitable to my own esteemed stature."

The four of you retire to the shade of a tree. "Now, Bandit, Red," begins the bear, "I presume that you are ready to begin our great sojourn? Word has reached even the farmlands of the disgrace of Throne, but few details save of his imminent demise. Ah, but the sun is up. He must assuredly be gracing a tree somewhere. Perhaps you can make a tale and render the news in a fashion suitable for a entertainment at this crepuscular occasion?"
Tale to be told
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 08:42:45 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, TheGM
Faliol, Angilak's request for a tale was directed at either of you, in case you were waiting for Riccoco to post.
By: Faliol
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 03:47:14 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, TheGM
busy day at work.

: (
Don't want to offend your friend
By: Faliol
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 03:51:24 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
When Angilak asks for the tale, Faliol's smile fades.
He looks at Ricco, the Hill Tribesman, and then Angilak.
"My bad judgement almost got some of my friends killed but thankfully they will be okay. Ah, you want juicy details? Forgive me, but I do not wish to offend Mr. Nitoba if any of those Hill Tribesmen we dispatched were his friends..."

Faliol is wary of the axe thrower but in no way rude...
Huzon, not Djothar
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:04:43 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"No true barbarian would work for a city merchant," growls Nitoba. "Saw battle, eh? I'm not surprised you won. Throne employed Djothar tribe. Weaklings!"
He looks at you keenly. "Surprised? You have too much civilization in you, Red. There is no one Hill Tribe. We are many. I am of the Huzon tribe. Of course, if there was trouble with the Djothar, these city dwellers are not likely to ask if we follow the Upland or River ways.
"It may be necessary for me to leave these soft fields and soft women, O great one."
Angilak rumbles. "I would not lay any blame upon you for mistrusting the beneficence of the constabulary. We are going to be leaving ourselve soon, upon a journey through fen and thicket, road and trail, fire and water. would ask you along my axe-proficient acquaintence, but I know your feelings considering employment by merchants.
"When will we be departing upon our trek, my diminutive partners?"
Djothar bad, Huzon good
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 03:34:04 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Ears stand a little taller, back straightens "Huzon, you say? Well, I won't feel bad discussing the particulars if good Nitoba is unlikely to be offended. Bandit and I were tasked with providing a distraction, to allow our friends to gain entrance unawares. We set up our position across the street and proceeded to rain arrows on every Djothar in range. Bandit, who is almost as new to shooting the bow as he is at throwing yon axe, did VERY well!"

Faliol slaps the plucky 'coon on the shoulder before continuing, "We had hoped to draw out the defenders and have them charge us, reducing the compound's defenses in the process. For Djothar, they were very displined and refused to comply with our wishes..."

Continued in next post
Tale tellin' part 2
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 03:44:17 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Deep breath, "I grew offended at the Djothar's lackluster marksmanship and revealed my position by hurling invectives on their soon to be doomed heads. This almost resulted in one less fox kit walking this world, as their aim significantly improved with derision."

Looking at the audience, "Suddenly, from a position where no entity should inhabit, below and behind us, came a deep voice... (deep impersonation of Orlando) 'Fox! By the Law Giver, what are YOU doing?' Alarmed at having a possible enemy in such close proximity, I panicked in surprise and fell from my tree only to be caught by the very capable hands of Orlando, Paladin of the Grand Master!"

Tale tellin' 3
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 03:54:17 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Waving arms about to emphasize, "I didn't know he was a Paladin, or I would NEVER have been so rude! Embarrassment at falling also sharpened my tongue, if truth be told. Anyway, I snapped a surly response and proceeded to regain my past vantage point. After a few questions, the Paladin hops over the wall and strides for the main gate! Do the arrows from the doomed Djothar worry Orlando? Not one bit! He treats them like pesky gnats and walks into the face of certain death. Lucky for him, someone, mayhaps Throne, signaled a regrouping of defending Djothar. As simple as you please, Orlando kicks down their front gate! (Tail high, Faliol does an impression of the kick) I inflate the act not one little bit! He KICKED the gate off its hinges!"

Tale tellin' 4
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 04:07:08 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"Well, R...Bandit and I decide at that point that directly behind Orlando is the place to be. We hop over the wall, I take the right, Bandit took the left. We were joined by our wounded friend Handle, who had dispatched two Djothar before spotting us. You will not believe it, but Orlando kicks the front door off its hinges! This was no lightweight door, but solidly made. No matter! SMASH! CLUNK! Orlando then proceeds to kill everything in sight. He was kind enough to leave a few Djothar for Bandit and myself to take some vengeance on, but seriously, Orlando became this whirlwind of death and destruction. Blood and gore went spraying everywhere as our little group battled through the kitchens, down the stairs and entered the main battle. I particularly liked it when Handle shoved one of my victims off the staircase. Then he and Bandit used that unfortunate as a pillow to cushion their landing. If that Djothar EVER wakes up, he will be healing those ribs for weeks... I may have given the impression that this battle went easily. It didn't. Our friends were in a bad way, but the addition of that Paladin with our three re-inforcements turned the tide of the battle. Still, it was a near thing. Many of our friends almost died. But we showed Throne what happens when you kill one of us. We gain our vengeance, no matter what it takes."

Deep breath, "Whew! Tale telling makes fox kits thirsty!"
Bandit concurs
By: Riccoco
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:35:48 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Nodding where appropriate and content with Red's version of the tale, Bandit listens with the Bear and Hillman. At the finish, Riccoco smacks his own lip, "A thirst for all, Ol' Bandit be thinkin'..."

His spirits droop slightly and his perky ears grow limp as he recalls the deadly business his companions and WORSE, Celeste, might be involved in this night.

"There be time for a drink afore we be headin' out, Angilak. We don't be travelin' long afore findin' a bit o' camp. The other merchants be wantin' to see the wagon an' driver."
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 03:18:29 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Angilak smacks his great paw against his knee, sending ripples of flesh travelling along his muscled pelt. "Hah!" he roars, suddenly wounding a bit less erudite. He regains his composure quickly.
"Now THAT is a tale worth hearing, eh? I've never seen a paladin fight, though I have witnessed some fair bits of superlative skill and power when Adala holds her spirit games. Would that I could have been there! Still, I laud your telling, and such grand effort must find commensurate award. Await me a but a moment."
So saying, he leaves and comes back with something a bit stronger than the mead he doled out last time.
"This is Sangiyok's Gold, the finest sipping whisky you will find throughout the green fields and rolling hills of fair Adala. I doubt you could find better spirits in the cabinet of the Archon herself. Come, take a draught each of you. Though the honor of the premiere position must go to our noble vulpine bard."
When all have imbibed, he says,
"Now, where and when shall we meet, my warriors?"
Ahhh, that hit the spot
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 04:56:16 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"Bandit, you must stop drinking that vile Berry Ale and start drinking Sangiyok Gold! This stuff is GREAT! Thanks, Angilak!"

OOC: Less Filing!!
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 04:59:05 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
"I am afraid that I wasn't paying close attention during the discussions. First they wanted to leave at this time, then that time, then someone else changed it. Demon Kings! I don't know what time they finally settled upon!"

Smacking his muzzle in appreciation of the good stuff, Faliol says, "Bandit? You recall the departure time?"
Lip-smackin' good
By: Riccoco
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 12:52:05 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
Riccoco smacks his lips, savoring the taste of the Gold. His tongue flits out to gather a bit of the nectar from his whiskers. "It be good. A mite sweet for a 'coon, mayhap. Be a bit more kick than a Berry Ale. A fine drink for a fine tale!"

The 'coon shifts back, twining his leathery claws behind his head. "What time to be leavin' did you say? Any time be a time to be goin'. We be meetin' an' sittin' for a spell allways."
OOC: Applause, applause!
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:56:03 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
OOC: Well told! I wish the others had been around to hear it. Now that's a recap!
Thanks, Keith
By: Faliol
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 04:54:09 PM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
: D
Stick to fishing
By: Faliol
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 03:46:56 AM
Viewable By: Faliol, Riccoco, TheGM
With a chuckle, "Now if yonder tree had been a nice fat fish, Mr. Raccoon would have hit it dead center..."
Return goods
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 09:01:32 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
All right, since the plans have been finalized, you have one day to conclude ay Adala business.

Beka, you have unsold silks and you need return goods. Which will you concentrate on?
Handle, will you be attempting any business before leaving the city?
Cas, will you be buying any personal items or raw materials before leaving?

For anyone seeking something to sell in Tallon, horses and any alcohol-based item can be bought for a lesser price here in Adala.

The price list below shows local price and expected Tallon price in parentheses.

Riding Horse= 6g (10g)

Good Wine .5g (1g)
Fine Wine 1g (2g)
Excellent Wine 3g (5g)
Rare Wine 8g (15g)

Horse prices include the basic minimum tack to move them around (i.e. no saddle). You will also need to provide fodder for when no appropriate vegetation can be found.
Horse Adv: If you buy saddles, you can ride them
Horse disads: They make yummy monster snacks

Wines require proper packaging. You will need a box for every five bottles. The bottles will be wrapped and packed in straw to guard against breakage. 1sp/box.
Wine Adv. Small and compact.
Wine Disad. Easily broken.
By: Cas
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 09:43:07 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
Cas would like to get the equivalent of Cedar if it is possible. If she happens to come across some Mahogany equivalent wood she will pick it up if it is affordable but chances are it is not.
Wine I Say
By: Beka
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 10:00:50 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
OOC: I am assuming that I know how to sell this stuff in Tallon if I knew the prices. I know I don't have a "buyer", but I think I would have an idea where to go.
I want to find:
6 boxes (30 bottles) of Good Wine
4 Boxes (20 bottles) of Fine Wine
1 box (5 bottles) of Excellent Wine
1 box (5 bottles) of Rare Wine
I will try to spend 18g for a complete transaction (with packing) but expect to pay 20-22g. Do they need any silk? I could make a trade of a whle bolt (their choice of 5) and they give me double the wine and packing.
trading 15-
3d6: 2, 6, 3 (STUN: 11, BODY: 4) Fri December 5, 2003 @10:00 AM (PST)
I measured the cart and 12 boxes will fit snuggly 3x4 in the bottom. If I find this quickly, I will work on selling the remaining silk. I will go back to the first place and offer it at a discount (worth 40, offer to sell at 30 because of previous good business).
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003 08:52:59 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
Beka, I think there may be some confusion about the price of wine. The quoted price was per bottle, not per box.

The amounts you wanted would have cost:
Good Wine (.5x30)=30
Fine Wine (1x20)=20
Excellent Wine (3x5)=15
Rare Wine (8x5)=40
Boxes (12x.1)=1.2
Total 106.2 gp
You are unable to move anymore bolts, but with your roll, you can barter away one only for an additional 20gp worth of wine.
How much do you want?

Cas, with the gold and silver you earned from your profits, you can afford very nice wood indeed. There's a limit to how nice a piece you can make while travelling, but you can certainly afford dark lusterwood (a mahogany equivalent) in any reasonable amount. Just state how much you want to spend on wood and I will figure that into the final price of whatever items you make. You can also replace any oils or stains for a few silver dollars.

Handle, any acquisitions you want to make before you leave?
That's what I meant
By: Beka
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003 06:15:01 PM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
OOC: Good thing I just got my Masters in Math! That was well worth the money!

I'll take what you stated for 86.2g (-20 for one more bolt of silk). That gives me 12 boxes of wine and 4 bolts of silk packed and ready to go.
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 08:44:24 AM
Viewable By: Beka, Cas, Handle, TheGM
At least for Beka. Are you offering the same deal as on the trip here? (i.e. shares on half the profit?)
The rescue proper
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 09:10:05 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
The Mingatok picket gate is very easy to get through. The bored guards on duty wave you through with no questions. Apparently, no one cares what goes through the gate that eventually leads to the Wicked City. The jungle looms very near and by walking an hour or so, you find a place where an ambush would be effective. There are large rocks that flank either side of the road.
This spot is shortly before the road forks, so you probably don't want to go to much further, just in case you miss the cart. There is an odd, rotting smell to the air here.
Where do you want to place yourselves?
By: Lekchock
Posted: Thursday, December 4, 2003 06:35:35 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Lekchock will take to the trees, keeping some vines handy...Unless of course True Eyes has other plans for him.
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 07:58:21 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Nuyok will survey the area with his spirit sight to take in anything out of the ordinary, e.g., the origin of the rotting smell (corpse?), and say "Lekchock, your climbing should make you good for an overhead position" (presumably their is overhanging foliage?) "and Vagrant, why don't you place yourself behind the rocks closest to where the cart will arrive from, and I will be at the far end. That way, when the cart arrives, I can step out and assess the situation, whether the guard is in on it, but each of you will be concealed and in positions to surround the cart as necessary."
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 5, 2003 10:00:08 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
The smell is the redolent odor of rotting food, almost like stale garbage. You recall Handle saying he had overheard that one of the places this road leads to is a city dump.
Vagrant's position
By: Vagrant
Posted: Saturday, December 6, 2003 05:38:08 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Vagrant climbs into a tree nearest the ambush point, crossbow at the ready.
Vagrant Changes?
By: Vagrant
Posted: Saturday, December 6, 2003 05:43:50 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
OOC: whoops my post didn't go through before so I just added it again before reading this. Do you still want Vagrant to change to your suggestion?
Vagrant in the tree
By: Nuyok
Posted: Saturday, December 6, 2003 11:20:05 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Vagrant in a tree but back toward the city from where Nuyok will be, so Vagrant will be behind the cart when Nuyok reveals himself (i.e., combine what we both said works ; ) ).
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003 08:21:49 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Leckchock swings easily up into the trees. He is really eerie to watch, the level of skill he shows in moving through the foliage is just short of miraculous. The forest man finds an overhanging branch wide enough to provide both concealment and cover.
Vagrant scrambles up behind a great boulder. Finding a natural niche in the rock he settles in flat and levels his crossbow. The spot is a natural parapet.
Nuyok waits behind a large rock at the far end of the road. A light drizzle begins, just enough to make everything damp. Nuyok extinguishes his lumina and the world gets very dark indeed.
Sometime after midnight, a light begins to grow upon the path. A carriage is coming, with lanterns mounted at the front. There are two guards seated up high on a bench seat. One holds the reins of a quarter horse.
Spirit sight
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003 08:25:04 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
Your spirit sight tells you that both of the hooded folk are humans. You detect no hostile intent. One of the humans has the indications of a recent spirit healing.
Your roll was not good enough to recognize individuals.
Approaching carriage
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 06:33:45 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Does the approaching carriage look like it is or could be holding more than just Celeste? Can Nuyok recognize Celeste via spirit sight?

If necessary, Spirit Sight (13-):
3d6: 1, 5, 1 (STUN: 7, BODY: 1) Tue December 9, 2003 @9:33 AM (EST)
Good question
By: TheGM
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 08:39:28 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Yes, Celeste is inside, in irons. With such an excellent perception, you also notice that Peaches is with her, apparently unrestrained.
Stepping Out
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 11:42:01 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Well enough before the cart (so as to not get readily trampled or appear to be TOO much of a threat), Nuyok will step out onto the path, raising his arm as if to signal for them to halt, while lighting his lumina.

Nuyok will have Spirit Sight (13-) and Detect Hostile Intent (11-) active.

What next will depend on their initial outward reaction and apparent hostility.
Follow up
By: Nuyok
Posted: Tuesday, December 9, 2003 11:43:01 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Note that Nuyok will not have his sword drawn.
Friendly faces
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:51:58 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
The wagon draws to a cautious stop. The man holding the reins looks out through the slight drizzle and says, "Master Nuyok? Is that you?"
Those who have met him recognize the voice as belonging to Melkut, the city guardsman who reported to the High Justice. The other is presumably Jornu.
Good to not assume
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 06:44:57 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
.oO(Glad we didn't assume here...))

"Yes, it is I, Nuyok, how are you faring? How is Celeste?" Nuyok moves forward in a friendly fashion to greet them personally (and presumably Vagrant and Lekchock can see he still does not have his sword out).
What's going on.
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 08:40:06 AM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
The Driver alights and advances. His manner is visibly aggresive, but you detect no hostile intent. He stands before you and says, "I don't know what you're doing here, but we have our orders."
Keeping up the charade
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 08:46:48 AM
Viewable By: Nuyok, TheGM
In a voice too low to be overheard, Melkut asks you, "Master, use your sight. Are we observed here?" His stance continues to be combat-ready.

[EDITED on Thu December 11, 2003 @8:56 AM (PST)]
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 02:40:11 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Nuyok takes a look around as he approaches the wagon, to see if anyone else is present other than Vagrant and Lekchock, and the wagon people. Nuyok makes it obvious to ANYONE observing that he is doing this.

Spirit Sight, 13-
3d6: 1, 6, 3 (STUN: 10, BODY: 3) Thu December 11, 2003 @5:40 PM (EST)
Spot anyone?
By: Nuyok
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 03:17:00 PM
Viewable By: Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Unless Nuyok spotted anyone, he quietly speaks to the guards, saying, "all is clear".
Quesitons in the Dark
By: TheGM
Posted: Monday, December 8, 2003 08:58:32 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, TheGM
The wagon rattles through the gate and out onto the open road. For an exterior road, it seems well maintained. Ther eis not much more bouncing than there was in the farmlands.
It is very dark now; no light comes from anywhere but some lantern light that filters in from the front of the wagon. Light jungle noises also drift in on the air.

Attempting to make conversation, Peaches asks, "Why do you think they'd want to send you to a tin mine?"
Just how smart is Peaches anyway?
By: Celeste
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 01:38:04 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, TheGM
Celeste looks at Peaches as she poses this question, "Well, it isn't so much a matter of 'think' as 'know'. The Adalans didn't like some of the things Red Tide did to their people, so they decided I could make restitution for that by working in their tin mines for five an alternate to hanging me. Hanging would have been the better alternative. After five years in a mine, I would have been crippled physically and mentally. Thanks to our friends up there, I guess we won't be worrying about that."
Friendly voices
By: TheGM
Posted: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 02:54:53 PM
Viewable By: Celeste, TheGM
Peaches listens and quietly takes in the response. A light patter of rain begins to sound upon the cart's roof, followed by muffled cursing from above. After some time, the cart suddenly slows, then stops. A man's voice from outside says:
PER - 3, 3, 2 STUN: 8 BODY: 3
"Master Nuyok, Is that you?"
Raindrops keep fallin'
By: Celeste
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 12:44:16 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, TheGM
.oO(Not very smart is he? I sure hope it's not someone else....)Celeste listens for a response to the question.
Tough talking
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 08:39:52 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, TheGM
You can feel somone alight from the carriage. Though the rain continues to drizzle, you can make out an aggresively-delivered question from the same voice:
"I don't know what you're doing here, but we have our orders."
Free at Last! Free at Last!
By: TheGM
Posted: Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:58:46 PM
Viewable By: Celeste, Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Right then." He turns to the other driver.
"Jor! Let her out!"

The door to your coach is opened from the outside, and the familiar (but no longer lumpy and lacerated) face of Jornu appears. He tosses the keys to Peaches. "Here you go, Furry. You fought hard enough for 'em."
The diminutive chinchilla retrieves the keys and undoes the padlocks holding the sea barbarian.

Celeste is wearing a simple shift and appears uninjured (Nuyok can see the results of spirit healing about her).

In the drizzle, illuminated by the coach lanterns and Nuyok's lumina are the Master himself, Jornu and Melkut.
Out of the frying pan....
By: Celeste
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2003 01:28:36 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Stepping from the coach, Celeste picks up Peaches and sets her on the upper part of the coach, "Thank you Peaches, would you mind unlocking that box for me? " Looking at Nuyok, Jornu, and Melkut, "Master Nuyok, it's good to see you again. Jornu, Melkut....would someone like to explain exactly what happened? What about Throne? What happened to...Vagrant? Where's Beka and the others?"
Waving to the others
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2003 06:53:28 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
Nuyok waves that all is okay to Vagrant and Lekchock, and says to those present, "I have a couple of others with me to make sure this went well. I am glad to see you are in good condition, and you as well Peaches." Gesturing toward Vagrant and Lekchock, "as you can see, Vagrant is fine, as is Lekchock, and the rest of the group." "Throne was caught in the act of supplying spirit-enhanced weaponry to the enemy, namely the hill tribe, and his punishment is death."

OOC: Not sure if the timeline would have him executed yet or not.

"Melkut, Jornu, thank you for your help. We need to get out of here and return to the others, who are to meet with us outside the gate back to Tallon. We had considered circling around the city along the edge of the jungle, and into the jungle as necessary to avoid patrols. Do you have any better suggestions?"
Melkut answers
By: TheGM
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2003 08:33:23 AM
Viewable By: Celeste, Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Well, we'd like to get back in time for the hanging, but we have to stay out here a believable amount of time. The fence guards think we're on our way to the tin mines, and that's a fair sized round trip.
"Your plan sounds good enough. You could probably go back through the city; I doubt there's a hunt for the lass. Still, you might not want to risk the possibility that someone's looking for her. The jungle around here is safe enough. There's even a few farms and settlements for folks who don't want to or can't live inside the fence. I'll show you some trailheads.
"Listen, there's a shed a quarter mile up the way for road-clearing equipment. Let's get out of the wet, unless you really want to hack through the woods in the pitch of night.
"How many are you?"
Into the Jungle
By: Nuyok
Posted: Friday, December 12, 2003 03:19:42 PM
Viewable By: Celeste, Lekchock, Nuyok, TheGM, Vagrant
"Let us head to the shed, then. With Celeste, there are five of us," Nuyok says, indicating Peaches if there is some confusion.
Cripes! The boss is coming!